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The list of national projects SAS

Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre SAS

Genetic analysis of juniper species Juniperus communis var. communis, J. sibirica and their putative hybrids J. communis var. intermedia in Slovakia

Genetická analýza borievok Juniperus communis var. communis, J. sibirica a ich predpokladaných hybridov J. communis var. intermedia na Slovensku

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Galgóci Martin PhD.
Annotation:The subject of our study are the species J. communis var. communis L., J. sibirica Lodd v Burgsde and J. communis var. intermedia (Sahur) Sanio, which is presumed to be a hybrid origin coming from some of the mentioned parents. In the study, we will search for the anatomical features of the needles and at the same time, we will do DNA studies aimed at finding DNA species-specific markers. As well, we will do population genetic studies that should give us a new knowledge about the genetic structure and the diversity and in the end the information about the uniqueness of these individual populations. We also plan to make some hybridology studies to verify the hybridological affinity of the parental species together with related studies aimed at the determining of pollen quality at the semifinal level. The obtained seeds will be a subject to the cytological study focused on the study of pre- and pozygotic disorders during the embryo development.

How environmental DNA (eDNA) reflects life in alpine lakes and their catchments: DNA metabarcoding in the Tatra lakes research

Ako environmentálna DNA (eDNA) odráža život v alpínskych jazerách a ich povodiach: DNA metabarkóding vo výskume tatranských plies

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Čiamporová-Zaťovičová Zuzana PhD.
Annotation:Alpine lakes are globally unique aquatic habitats contributing significantly to the regional biodiversity and preserving ecosystem services. However, many of them are at risk, in particular from human activity and climate change. Their protection is therefore crucial, but must be based on accurate and up-to-date data. The project, following previous research of Tatra lakes, will for the first time use innovative molecular methods in the assessment of the alpine lakes biodiversity: metabarcoding, analysis of environmental DNA, NGS. They have great potential to describe the current state of biodiversity of lakes and their catchments in detail, detect rare/non-native species, determine the impact of environmental factors on aquatic biota and assess the species genetic variability. The project also includes the generation of reference molecular data (DNA barcoding) of the Tatra aquatic fauna, which is essential for the correct interpretation of metabarcoding data and will enable their use in modern monitoring.

What we (do not) know about the genus Crepidotus (Agaricomycotina, fungi)

Čo (ne)vieme o rode Crepidotus (Agaricomycotina, huby)

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Adamčík Slavomír PhD.
Annotation:Fungi of the genus Crepidotus (Agaricomycotina) have pileate fruiting bodies with a lamellate hymnophore and a typically a reduced stipe. They grow on various dead plant substrates, especially wood. They are circumpolarly widespread and relatively common from tropical to hemiboreal regions. The genus Crepidotus was processed monographically several times, but the individual species were defined only on the basis of morphological features. Phylogenetic studies have confirmed the genus Crepidotus as a separate lineage of Agaricomycotina, but species delimitation and relationships are not sufficiently known and resolved. This project focuses on reconstructing of phylogenetic relationships in the genus, the identification of species diversity and the molecular delimitationof the species concept that was so far defined only morphologically. We will use traditional methods of statistically supported morphological observations in combination with phylogenetic analysis of several regions of DNA. A robust dataset of sequences, morphological observations and ecological data will make it possible to monitor evolutionary processes and the adaptive function of morphological structures.

Discovery of novel hydrolytic enzymes in carnivorous plants


Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2024
Project leader: MSc. Kale Rohan Arjun
Annotation:Carnivorous plants evolved a peculiar strategy to fulfil their nutritional requirement by capturing and consuming insects and small rodents. The target species of this proposal, sundew (Drosera binata), has characteristic forked trap leaves with glandular tentacles. These organs contain mucilage and digestive enzymes in order to trap and digest the prey. Firstly, I will induce mock digestion in fully developed trap leaves by chitin and pachyman mixture serving as prey substitute. Next, I will use an optimized protein extraction protocol to isolate and analyze biomolecules by ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS). This project will generate an enzymatic profile of trap leaves of sundew to identify unique hydrolases potentially applicable in biotechnology.

Diversity of urban biota in the Carpathian-Pannonian region

Diverzita bioty miest v karpatsko-panónskej oblasti

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Májeková Jana PhD.
Annotation:The project deals with the research of biodiversity in the urban environment in the territory of two important Central European bioregions – Pannonian and Carpathian. After multiple stratification, 30 Slovak cities were selected, representatively distributed on the basis of geographical location and demography. Within each city, the research will be carried out through two model, ecologically significantly linked groups (vascular plants and terrestrial snails) and on seven habitats typical of the urban environment. The aim of the submitted project is to find out: 1) How environmental and anthropogenic factors affect the diversity of native species in different types of urban environment and the penetration of non-native species into cities, 2) if there is a difference in the diversity structure of model groups of organisms in the Carpathian and Pannonian biogeographical regions, and 3) which of the urban habitats is the most important in terms of biodiversity and can potentially serve as an indicator habitat.

Diversity of grassland habitats in Slovakia after two decades in the EU

Diverzita lúčnych a pasienkových biotopov Slovenska po dvoch dekádach v Európskej únii

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Vantarová Katarína PhD.
Annotation:The landuse changes dynamicaly in time and these changes reflect in the vegetation composition and structure. The changes in the agricultural landscape are significantly influenced by the agricultural subsidies received in Slovakia since 2004 when the country joined the European Union. The aim of the project is to asses the changes in the floristic composition and functional traits of the grassland habitats of European and national importance using the resampling of phytosociological relevés. Based on the results we will asses the effectiveness and impact of agricultural subsidies on recent state of the studied habitats. At the same time, we will continue testing the influence of various management techniques in the permanent plots on composition of grassland vegetation. The results of our research may be used by the State Conservancy Agency and will serve as a basis for optimisation of management measures for maintaining the favourable condition of grassland habitats of European and national importance.

Diversity of fungal and algal communities associated to Mediterranean centered lichens at ecological and spacial levels

Diverzita spoločenstiev húb a rias asociovaných v lišajníkoch s centrom rozšírenia v Mediteráne na ekologickej a priestorovej úrovni

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Bérešová Anna PhD.
Annotation:Biodiversity plays important roles in the capacity of biological and ecological systems to respond to global environmental changes. Projections of climate change demonstrate increased climatic variation of the regions and biomes with long-term stabile climate in the past, such as Mediterranean ecosystems. To understand the impact of climatic changes on biodiversity we need to know it on all the levels. Recent phylogenetic and ecological studies show that Solenopsora lichen species can be used as models to explore diversity and ecological adaptation of symbiotic organisms in the Mediterranean region. In this project we aim to to test the hypothesis that the diversity of fungal and algal communities associated to Solenopsora lichen thalli correlate with the evolutionary history, geographical range and the ecology of two selected species – S. candicans with broader range exceeding Mediterranean region; and S. grisea, restricted to the Mediterranean region.

Species-rich Carpathian grasslands: mapping, history, drivers of change and conservation

Druhovo bohaté lúky a pasienky Karpát: mapovanie, história, príčiny zmien a ochrana

Duration: 1.7.2022 - 30.6.2026
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Janišová Monika PhD.
Annotation:European agriculture is at a crossroads. Continuing the industrial intensification of agricultural production and the associated abandonment of marginal land equals continuing the direct negative environmental impacts on landscape quality and further loss of biodiversity. The second available option is adopting the quality of the landscape and its sustainability as essential criteria for optimization and management of agricultural production. The main aim of our transdisciplinary project is to support this second option with practical scientific knowledge on environmental and societal potentials regarding sustainable grassland management in the Carpathians using traditional agricultural practices, as well as on which social and institutional features might help embedding such management within the modern Slovak economy. The main objectives of the project are: 1) to identify and map biodiversity-rich grassland areas in the Carpathians and related local environmental and social factors; 2) identify and map areas with high environmental and social potential for successful grassland restoration in Slovakia; and 3) propose a national strategy for state and non-governmental support regarding ecological restoration, conservation and management of the identified grassland areas. We intend to reach such a comprehensive and practical understanding through a collaborative combination of the latest available earth observation data for the Carpathian region, analytical methods and tools, but also pioneering field research; all in parallel on behalf of the scientific fields of botany, ecology, geography, remote sensing and social anthropology. The planned outputs of the project – scientific studies and the proposal of a national strategy to support species-rich grasslands – can, in addition to direct use by contracted domestic recipient organisations (MoE SR and BROZ), also serve as a template for applied research focusing on ecological grassland restoration in Europe and beyond.

Evolutionary dynamics of the (Sub-)Mediterranean flora: uncovering causes of high species diversity in Alyssum and Odontarrhena (Brassicaceae)

Evolučná dynamika (sub)mediteránnej flóry: odhalenie príčin vysokej druhovej diverzity v rodoch Alyssum a Odontarrhena (Brassicaceae)

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Španiel Stanislav PhD.
Annotation:We will study evolution of species complexes from the genera Alyssum and Odontarrhena (tribe Alysseae, family Brassicaceae) focusing on diversity centres in the Mediterranean and adjacent mountain areas. We aim to elucidate evolutionary processes that have driven diversification and speciation of plants in this region, evaluating the roles of polyploidy, hybridization, ecological divergence and past range dynamics. Taxonomy of the studied complexes will also be revised. We will employ ploidy level screening by flow cytometry, DNA sequencing (both Sanger sequencing of target regions and high-throughput sequencing methods HybSeq and RADseq), ecological niche modelling, and morphometrics. We will update an online karyological and nomenclatural database of Alysseae (AlyBase), which is a useful tool for integrating taxonomic knowledge and research of this tribe. The project will contribute to better understanding of plant diversity and evolution in the (Sub-)Mediterannean area and its effective conservation.

Evolutionary and ecological outcomes of plant invasions: What are the potential consequences of post-invasion hybridization and polyploidization on the invasiveness of Solidago taxa in Europe?

Evolučné a ekologické dôsledky rastlinných invázií: aké sú potenciálne dopady hybridizácie a polyploidizácie po invázii na inváznosť taxónov rodu Solidago (zlatobyľ) v Európe?

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Šingliarová Barbora PhD.
Annotation:Because of the complexity of biological invasions and post-invasion processes (such as mating interactions with native species), a better understanding of the underlying factors and their management is challenging. Members of the genus Solidago represent exceptionally successful invaders in Europe. In this project, we aim to determine the impact of hybridization and introgression in alien-hybrid-native S. canadensis–xniederederi–virgaurea populations and polyploidization in S. gigantea populations on the evolutionary and invasive potential of newly formed genotypes within the invaded range in Europe. We will take an integrative approach combining relative DNA content screening, assessment of population genetic structure by up-to-date molecular markers and measurements of reproductive potential and fitness parameters. We expect to bring new insights into the microevolutionary processes and their impact on further invasiveness as well as to provide a baseline for nature conservation and management decisions.

Flora of Slovakia – Asteraceae family (Part 2): biosystematic study of critical taxa

Flóra Slovenska – čeľaď Asteraceae (2. časť): biosystematické štúdium kritických taxónov

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Hodálová Iva CSc.
Annotation:The project is focused on taxonomic and chorological revision of selected representatives of Asteraceae family (tribes Cardueae, Eupatoriae, Heliantheae, Inuleae) in Slovakia or Central Europe, respectively. The main result will be publishing of the next volume of book series Flora of Slovakia, namely Volume VI/2 (Part 2). Each taxon (cca 140 species, 55 genera) will be treated in terms of nomenclature, morphology, karyology, ecology, and chorology. Identification keys (in Slovak and English), original drawings of plants and distribution maps will be also included. Results of the study of taxonomically complex groups from genera Centaurea, Colymbada, Cyanus and Helianthus will be published in separate papers. As part of the project we will published also a book with revised Slovak vascular plant names (Slovak Nomenclature of Vascular Plants; cca 25,000 headings) and an extended and supplemented electronic edition of the biographical dictionary Botanical Personalities of Slovakia (cca 630 personalities).

The plant species diversity and physiological response to changing ecological conditions of floodplain forests

Hodnotenie druhovej diverzity a fyziologickej odozvy rastlín na ekologické podmienky lužných lesov

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Hrivnák Richard DrSc.

Gemstones of biodiversity: taxonomy, evolutionary relationships and life strategies of target earth tongues (Fungi, Ascomycota)

Hrozienka v koláči biodiverzity jazýčkovitých húb (Ascomycota): taxonómia, evolučné vzťahy a životná stratégia

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Kučera Viktor PhD.
Annotation:Earth tongues (members of the families Geoglossaceae and Leotiaceae) represent rare fungi and are endangered in most countries of their occurrence but are, together with other fungi, gemstones of biodiversity. Even these fungi are uncommon more that 30 new species were described last decade. According to our research, more are expected to be delimited, namely new Microglossum and Geoglossum taxa in the region of the Carpathians. And more new taxa are expected to be described from other regions in co-operation with foreign colleagues as important addition to the knowledge of the biodiversity. Previous studies confirmed that some geoglossoid species (such as Sarcoleotia globosa and members of the genus Leotia) form ericoid mycorrhiza with plants. Since genus Microglossum is phylogenetically related to Leotia there is possible that also Microglossum species could have similar life strategies. Our preliminary analysis of DNA indicated that such hypothesis should be studies and tested.

Fungal hybrid heme peroxidases from primeval forest with application in environmental biotechnologies

Hybridné hémové peroxidázy húb z pralesa s využitím v environmentálnych biotechnológiách

Duration: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Adamčík Slavomír PhD.
Annotation:Hybrid heme peroxidases (EC are newly discovered specific oxidoreductases capable of cleaving reactive peroxide bonds in inorganic as well as organic compounds. Concomitantly to this cleavage they oxidize mainly organic compounds forming radical products that can enter polymerization reactions. Over 260 complete sequences from various regions of whole genome DNA were discovered. After their RNA splicing and translation in corresponding protein sequences they exhibit a high level of conservation. So far they were discovered solely in the kingdom of fungi. According to their typical essential sequence patterns responsible for heme binding they all belong to the large peroxidase-catalase superfamily couting currently over 41000 representatives from prokaryotes and eukaryotes. With their catalytic activity hybrid peroxidases represent efficient extracellular enzymatic antioxidants with broad application in defence against toxic effects of the oxidative stress. Recently, their expression and function was described in phytopathogenic fungi. The objective of our proposed project is the discovery of complete DNA gene clusters, corresponding mRNA transcripts and translated secreted isozymes of hybrid heme peroxidases among non-pathogenic fungi isolated from unique primeval forest biotopes of Slovakia. Our goal is to obtain a stable level of expression for selected recombinant hybrid peroxidases with highest level of catalytic efficiency typical for this subfamily. We aim to purify sufficient amounts of this unique enzymatic antioxidants to allow the resolution of 3D structure from produced protein crystals. This shall lead to the explanation of their peculiar reactivity on the base of structure-function relationships in the conserved catalytic centre. No such crystal structure for any hybrid peroxidases is known yet so its availability for unique peroxidases from primeval forest biotopes will allow great future applications in green biotechnologies.

Chronic ionizing radiation compromises resistance to pests in wild aquatic plants: Discovery and validation of biochemical mechanisms

Chronické ionizujúce žiarenie narúša odolnosť vodných rastlín voči škodcom: Štúdium a validácia biochemických mechanizmov

Duration: 1.8.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Danchenko Maksym PhD.
Annotation:Most environmental pollutants, including radionuclides, are persistent; thus, they chronically influence plants. Ionizing radiation is a ubiquitous stress factor with unclear consequences of prolonged exposure to low doses. One plausible mechanism of damage to cellular biomolecules is mediated through reactive oxygen species. Inspired by encouraging preliminary data in legume crop on differentially abundant proteins involved in defense responses and non-systematic field observations of increased infestation of the wild aquatic plant by mites, we propose this original research. The central hypothesis of the project is compromised phytoimmunity through oxidative damage of regulatory proteins in aquatic plants, particularly common reed (Phragmites australis), naturally grown in contaminated lakes of the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Upon initial verification of preliminary field data with laboratory bioassays, we will discover biochemical mechanisms by front-end proteomics. In parallel, we will explore the most common modifications of proteins during oxidative imbalance—carbonylations. Findings from the screening stage will be validated using targeted enzymatic, immunolocalization, and gene expression assays. Essentially, the unbiased approach of this proposal might close the intriguing knowledge gap in fundamental radiobiology and produce relevant practical knowledge for the monitoring or potential use of contaminated lakes. This project will enable the establishing of an independent research group of the Principal Investigator and starting a collaboration between sufficiently equipped academic laboratories with complementary expertise.

Chronic ionizing radiation affects susceptibility to pests in wild aquatic plants: Discovery and validation of biochemical mechanisms

Chronické ionizujúce žiarenie ovplyvňuje odolnosť divorastúcich vodných rastlín proti škodcom: Objav a potvrdenie biochemických mechanizmov

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Danchenko Maksym PhD.
Annotation:Most environmental pollutants, including radionuclides, are persistent; hence, they chronically influence plants. Ionizing radiation is a ubiquitous stress factor with unclear consequences of prolonged exposure to low doses. Likely mechanism of damage to cellular biomolecules is mediated through reactive oxygen species. The central hypothesis of this project is compromised phytoimmunity in aquatic plants, particularly common reed (Phragmites australis), naturally grown in contaminated lakes of the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Upon initial verification, with laboratory feeding bioassays, we will explore biochemical mechanisms by front-end proteomics, including oxidative stress-related protein carbonylations. These findings will be validated and complemented using targeted enzymatic and immunolocalization assays. Essentially, the unbiased approach of this project will close the intriguing knowledge gap in fundamental radiobiology and produce practical knowledge for the monitoring of contaminated lakes.

The integrative taxonomy of Elmidae and Dryopidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from Borneo - one of the major evolutionary biodiversity hotspots

Integratívna taxonómia Elmidae a Dryopidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) ostrova Borneo - významného evolučného hotspotu biodiverzity

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Čiampor Fedor PhD.
Annotation:Borneo, along with part of Indochina, is one of Southeast Asia’s major evolutionary biodiversity hotspots. Its recent fauna is probably the result of in situ diversification associated with the accumulation of immigrants. The beetles of the families Elmidae and Dryopidae are morphologically and physiologically adapted to life in the aquatic environment. However, some genera of Dryopidae (e.g. Sostea, Geoparnus, Spalacosostea) are adapted to live in soil, leaf litter, or vegetation. The diversity and evolution of these groups’ are little explored, despite the almost cosmopolitan distribution and importance of organisms in eco-enviro studies. The project addresses the issues of taxonomy and phylogeny of Bornean species through an integrative taxonomy approach based on mitochondrial and nuclear markers in combination with morphological features and tries to identify common evolutionary patterns and trends in phylogeny and distribution.

Combined management as a tool for conservation and restoration of grassland habitats

Kombinovaný manažment ako nástroj na ochranu a obnovu travinnobylinných biotopov

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Janišová Monika PhD.
Annotation:Protection, enhancement, and potential extension of the biodiversity-rich areas is a top priority of policies within the states, continents or globally. The most recent EU Green Deal Call identified biodiversity and ecosystems as key areas capable of improving the quality of the landscape and mitigating the effects of climate change. Semi-natural habitats are those areas, where most of the action can be taken. Low-intensity traditional farming maintained in mountain regions of the Carpathians is an inspiration for diversification of modern agroecosystems. However, the mechanisms of enhancing grassland biodiversity by diversification and combination of farming practices is still insufficiently known. In our project we would like to investigate multiple aspects of the selected combinations of traditional management practices - mowing, grazing, and manuring - and establish a manipulative experiment to test their effects on biodiversity if used as a restoration intervention in modern agricultural landscapes.

Maryna Kryvokhyzha, R2 - Postdoctoral Fellow

Maryna Kryvokhyzha, R2 - Postdoktorand

Duration: 1.3.2023 - 28.2.2026
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Kryvokhyzha Maryna PhD.


Mikroskopické sinice a riasy ako významný zdroj exopolysacharidov

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Hindáková Alica PhD.

Molecular and cellular mechanisms of adventitious root differentiation

Molekulárne a bunkové mechanizmy diferenciácie adventívnych koreňov

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Jásik Ján DrSc.
Annotation:An essential requirement for the clonal propagation of plants using stem cuttings is the establishment of an appropriate adventitious root system. Roots are usually created de novo from specialized cells. Competent cells need to be reprogrammed, and this is accompanied by their remarkable changes at different levels. We wish to understand the factors on which the root formation depends by studying the thin stem discs of the grapevine and the thale cress. We will determine the requirements for root formation, and, after induction, we will study the changes accompanying the activation and redifferentiation of competent cells. To identify key genes participating in the process, we will subject induced and non-induced explants to RNA sequencing using the Illumina platform. After obtaining quantitative data on the expression profile, the expression of some differentially expressed genes will be verified by qRT-PCR. The knowledge can be used in breeding to optimize the rooting of economically important species.

Aptamer-based analytical platform for in vitro and in situ analyses of complex carbohydrates

Nová analytická platforma pre in situ a in vitro analýzy komplexných sacharidov na báze aptamérov

Duration: 1.9.2022 - 31.8.2027
Program: IMPULZ
Project leader: Mgr. Mravec Jozef PhD.
Annotation:Complex carbohydrates are some of the most important biopolymers. They provide a sustainable source of materials, and energy and are a major part of human and animal diets. Due to their high molecular weight and high complexity, the determination of the precise amount and structure of these molecules is extremely technically challenging. For instance, one of the currently used methods called Compositional Microarray Polymer Profiling exhibits several serious drawbacks such as the requirement for a high level of expertise, expensive equipment, and is very costly and time-consuming. The CARBODNA project aims to make a leap forward in the area and develop a novel analytical platform based on aptamers sometimes also called synthetic or chemical antibodies. These are fragments of polynucleotides with the ability to bind target molecules with high specificity and avidity comparable to conventional monoclonal antibodies. The initial task of the project is to generate aptamers specific for polysaccharide components of plant cell walls, especially for those still lacking any specific immunological probes as well as novel aptamers for macromolecular 3D structures such as intermolecular interactions forming the intricate cell wall architecture. These new probing tools will be utilized to create a new system for quantification and compositional profiling of samples of different origin utilizing common well-established methods of molecular biology as well as for detailed imaging of the cell wall ultrastructure. Finally, the new technology will be applied to study the dynamics of cell walls during plant somatic embryogenesis and cellular elongation.

Unraveling of functional diversity and ecological role of fungi of the family Clavariaceae

Objasnenie funkčnej diverzity a ekologickej úlohy húb čeľade Clavariaceae

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Caboň Miroslav PhD.
Annotation:Clavariaceae are terrestrial fungi (Basidiomacetes, Agaricomycotina) with club or corral shaped fruiting bodies known as indicators of natural value of grasslands. Several studies demonstrated that Clavariaceae are root endophytes and may form an unspecified symbiosis with vascular plants. Diversity, habitat specificity and trophic interaction of the group are not well understood. This project aims to explore Clavariaceae diversity both by Sanger sequencing of targeted DNA regions using samples from fruiting bodies and by metabarcoding using high throughput sequencing of soil and plant root samples. Phylogenetic studies based on multi-loci data from Sanger sequences and morphology will be used to distinguish species diversity of the group. Our aim is to asses overall local Clavariaceae diversity in grasslands and to distinguish Clavariaceae endophyte diversity and plant specifity. We will use data from amplicon sequencing of bulk soil, rhizosphere and plant roots. This project have ambition to test possible in vitro cultivation of Clavariaceae with partner plants that may facilitate further studies of trophic style of these fungi.

Olena Bielikova, R2—Postdoctoral Fellow

Olena Bielikova, R2 – Postdoktorand

Duration: 1.9.2022 - 31.8.2025
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Bielikova Olena PhD.
Annotation:The aim of the project is, firstly, to enable fellow from Ukraine to analyse her own samples in order to continue her research topics (genetic structure of salmonids in order to preserve the species diversity of ichthyocenoses of rivers of the western region of Ukraine, study of genetic diversity of different groups of fish in reservoirs of Ukraine). Dr Bielikova's involvement in our activities will be mainly focused on field research, molecular analyses and data processing within the projects VEGA 2/0084/21 (eDNA metabarcoding of freshwater ecosystems) and APVV-21-0386 (Research on pollinator biodiversity based on DNA analysis).

Olha Lakhneko, R2—Postdoctoral Fellow

Olha Lakhneko, R2 – Postdoktorand

Duration: 1.8.2022 - 31.7.2025
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Mgr. Lakhneko Olha PhD.


Optimalizácia izolácie exozómov z Juniperus communis L. a charakterizácia exozomálneho proteómu použitím LC-MS/MS

Duration: 1.7.2024 - 31.12.2025
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Mgr. Jurčík Ján PhD.
Annotation:Juniperus communis L. is an evergreen coniferous shrub, which along with other representatives of its genus, has long been utilized in traditional medicine, gastronomy, pharmaceuticals, and alcoholic beverages, due to their content of biologically active compounds. Exosomes are nano-sized vesicular phospholipid particles commonly secreted from eukaryotic cells into the extracellular space, and currently, extensive research is underway for their potential therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. Plant-derived exosome-like particles (PDENs) are significant in terms of their cargo, as they contain DNA, RNA, lipids, and proteins, which are subsequently released into the extracellular matrix as a form of cellular communication and have the potential to deliver nano-bioactive compounds into the human body. My project aims to optimize the isolation of PDENs from mature fruits of Juniperus communis L., and to be the first to characterize the proteome of isolated PDENs from Juniperus communis L. The potential application of PDENs is significant and our results will contribute to a better understanding of the functioning of PDENs and exosomes in organisms.

Amaranth plasticity in response to heavy metals: multi-scale analysis from ecophysiological to molecular aspects

Plasticita láskavca v odpovedi na ťažké kovy: viacstupňová analýza od ekofyziologických po molekulárne aspekty

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Hricová Andrea PhD.
Annotation:Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) gained popularity in the recent past due to its agronomic and exceptional nutritional properties. The growth and developmental characteristics make this plant also suitable for remediation of areas contaminated by metal ions. The main goal of the project is investigation of Amaranthus spp. plasticity in response to selected heavy metals (HM) through multiscale analysis of growth, morphology, ecophysiological performance, biochemical status, and ionome profile, primary related to stress. Moreover, identification of HM-regulated amaranth genes will be performed. Since endophytes facilitate adaptation to stressors and improve the effectiveness of phytoremediation of the host plants, metagenomic survey of the biodiversity of endophyte communities in the amaranth plants exposed to tested HM will be implemented. In addition, we assess silicon as a beneficial element in preventing the adverse effects of metal ions on investigated plant characteristics and traits.

Understanding of complex biodiversity response to forest management: integration of multi-taxa approach in ecosystem function assessments

Pochopenie komplexnej odpovede biodiverzity na lesný manažment: integrácia multi-taxonomického prístupu v hodnotení ekosystémových funkcií

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Šibík Jozef PhD.

Polina Dayneko, R2—Postdoctoral Fellow

Polina Dayneko, R2 – Postdoktorand

Duration: 1.9.2022 - 31.8.2025
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Mgr. Dayneko Polina PhD.
Annotation:The project aims to integrate a Ukrainian postdoctoral researcher into three national research projects. Within them, she will assist in field research and preparation of joint publications.

Ponds in the urban environment - biodiversity, non-native biota and ecological quality

Pondy v mestskom prostredí – biodiverzita, nepôvodná biota a ekologická kvalita

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Čejka Tomáš PhD.
Annotation:The project is focused on studying the benthic invertebrate community structure of poorly known urban limnic habitats (so-called ponds), which are essential as potential sources of biodiversity of native and non-native species and as centres of dispersal of non-native species. The main objective is to understand the patterns of biodiversity of urban ponds, with emphasis on [1] comparing the importance of different types of ponds for the conservation of native biodiversity, [2] the penetration and survival of non-native macrozoobenthos species in urban environments, and [3] the origin and direction of dispersal of their populations of model non-native species based on genetic analyses. For the research, we selected ten Slovak cities in the Carpathian and Pannonian ecoregions with a representation of different types of ponds. The results of the detailed systematic research will contribute to the existing fragmentary knowledge in understanding the causal relationships between diversity, distribution and environmental status of these habitats.

Plant calpains and their molecular mode of action in cell fate control

Rastlinné kalpaíny a ich molekulárny mechanizmus kontroly bunkovej identity

Duration: 1.7.2022 - 30.6.2026
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Jásik Ján DrSc.

Reticulate or divergent evolution? Resolving processes behind the high species richness and endemism in Brassicaceae genera

Retikulátna alebo divergentná evolúcia? Objasnenie procesov, ktoré stoja za veľkou druhovou bohatosťou a endemizmom v rodoch čeľade Brassicaceae

Duration: 1.7.2022 - 30.6.2026
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Marhold Karol DrSc.
Annotation:Reticulate evolution is a challenging research topic, which has gained increased attention in recent years, stimulated by the progress made in genomic research and developments of new scientific techniques and approaches. It is now widely recognized that introgression and hybridization significantly affect plant evolution, but there is still much to discover and understand about these processes and their impact on diversification and speciation. The proposed research focuses on reticulate evolution in four genera of the Brassicaceae family (Alyssum, Cardamine, Erysimum, and Odontarrhena). Here we aim to explore in detail how reticulation events have shaped the evolution of the studied genera, to test whether the high endemism rate reflects multiple independent polyploidization events or increased diversification of polyploid lineages. We will also examine how historical and recent range shifts have stimulated introgression and allopolyploid speciation, and track the mode and rate of allopolyploid genome evolution. We will take an integrative approach that will combine methods of phylogenomics (RADseq and HybSeq techniques of next generation sequencing, complemented by microsatellite markers), cytogenomics, flow cytometry, morphometrics and ecological niche modeling. Bringing together data from diverse sources provides complementary views and different perspectives on the patterns and processes studied. Our studies, focusing on several unrelated species groups, will also include a comparative aspect, go beyond species- or genus-specific patterns, and attempt to infer common and general mechanisms of reticulate evolution in plants.

Impact of climate change on the distribution of selected pathogens of Pinus sp. trees

Rozšírenie vybraných škodlivých patogénov Pinus sp. vzhľadom ku klimatickej zmene

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Senko Dušan PhD.

Hydrogen sulfide and nitric oxide: indispensable gaseous signaling molecules in plant defense responses to abiotic stress

Sírovodík a oxid dusnatý: nepostrádateľné plynné signálne molekuly v obranných reakciách rastlín na abiotický stres

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Tamás Ladislav PhD.
Annotation:Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and nitric oxide (NO), small gaseous signaling molecules, are very likely involved in all developmental and stress-related processes in plants. Complex interconnection of different signaling pathways results in the both synergistic and antagonistic effect of H2S and NO; depending on their concentrations, cell type, redox status and phytohormones levels of plant cells. In order to gain more insight into the role of these signaling pathways in the response of barley root to stress conditions, the aim of the present project is the analysis of NO and H2S function in stress responses, using bioactive molecules to activate and/or to block some specific components of NO and H2S metabolic and signaling pathways. In addition, this approach may uncover the role of NO- and H2S-regulated physiological and biochemical processes involved in both defense and toxic responses of barley roots to unfavorable environmental conditions.


Sledovanie vplyvu zasolenia na diverzitu endofytických baktérií so zameraním na identifikáciu halotolerantných druhov zvyšujúcich stresovú toleranciu láskavca

Duration: 1.7.2024 - 31.12.2025
Program: Other projects
Project leader: MVDr. Kačírová Jana PhD.
Annotation:Plants are exposed to many biotic and abiotic stress factors during their life cycle. Soil salinity is one of the main abiotic stresses that adversely affect crop growth and production. In an effort to reduce the adverse effects of salt stress on plants, many strategies are used such as genetic modifications, application of beneficial elements or inoculation of plant growth promoting bacteria. Endophytic bacteria are a group of microorganisms that live in internal plant tissues. It has been shown, that endophytes help plants cope with stress through several mechanisms. However, it is not known what changes in the composition of the plant microbial community occur due to the increased concentration of salt in the soil. The aim of the project will be to monitor changes in the representation of endophytic bacteria with increasing salt concentration using next-generation sequencing. The object of investigation will be two varieties of amaranth (Amaranthus spp.), which in recent years has been considered a promising pseudocereal for its high nutritional and functional value. The expected benefit of the project will be knowledge about changes in the diversity of bacterial communities in amaranth varieties with different sensitivity to the presence of higher salt concentration and the possibility of using halotolerant species of bacteria for induced resistance and supporting plants in cope with salt stress.

Tree and country – influence of trees on diversity of soil microorganisms in agricultural land

Strom a krajina – vplyv drevín na diverzitu pôdnych mikroorganizmov v poľnohospodárskej krajine

Duration: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Adamčík Slavomír PhD.
Annotation:Solitary tree standing out of continual forest vegetation has well-known positive and negative impacts on grasslands and arable cultures. Close vicinity of tree causes light and wind interception resulting in change of herbal diversity of grasslands or inhibited growth of crop plants in arable agricultures. Positive influences of tree presence are local enhancing of biological diversity associated with improved ecosystem function. Soil fertility, stability of ecosystem and sustainable land management essentially depends on soil quality. Soil microorganisms are very susceptible to changes in soil characteristics and play the fundamental role in nutrient recycling and stability of ecosystem. Changes in microbial communities connected to presence of trees are underexplored but very actual with current effort to improve landscape structure. Trees are associated with specific groups of fungi; among them are highlighted ectomycorrhizal fungi. Soil of semi-natural grasslands is often dominated by probably biothrophic basidiomycetes and ascomycetes known as CHEGD fungi. In arable soils, special importance is attributed to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and presence of parasitic fungi. This project aims to study representation of fungi with symbiotic, saprophytic, parasitic or other trophic guilds resulted from interaction of tree presence in agricultural land. In addition, we will evaluate selected abiotic and biotic soil characteristics to estimate changes in functional diversity. Project uses advances methods in sequencing of environmental DNA, soil analyses and computer modelling of special influence of ecological factors.

Study of hydrolases involved in digestion in carnivorous plants of the genus Drosera

Štúdium hydroláz zúčastňujúcich sa procesov trávenia v mäsožravých rastlinách rodu Drosera

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Libantová Jana CSc.
Annotation:Carnivorous plants, including species of the genus Drosera, use a mixture of enzymes secreted by stalked glands of the leaf cuticle - the tentacles - to digest their prey. The proposed project involves the analysis of leaf proteins, including those involved in digestion, by a proteomic approach. Based on this, we will select a new hydrolase for more detailed study. Available orthologous gene sequences of related plant species will be used for primer design, and then the gene fragment and the complete gene will be isolated by PCR. The expression profile of the gene under investigation in the individual organs of Drosera plants will also be analysed. The project also includes the introduction of a eukaryotic expression system for the production and characterisation of proteins with post-translational modifications. Based on the results of previous research, some additional enzyme characteristics of purified chitinases and glucanases from carnivorous plants with potential for biotechnology will be investigated.

The role of silicon in metabolic and biochemical processes of plants exposed to stress induced by toxic and potentially toxic elements

Úloha kremíka v metabolických a biochemických procesoch rastlín vystavených stresu z toxických a potenciálne toxických prvkov

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Fialová Ivana PhD.
Annotation:Contamination of soil and water with heavy metals and metalloids is a worldwide problem today. The beneficial effect of silicon for optimal plant performance and agricultural crops exposed to various types of abiotic stress (studied in our previous projects) have been reported by several authors, though the mechanism of its action is still not fully understood. The aim of the project is to study the mechanisms of action of exogenously applied silicon on the defense responses of the selected cultivars of maize (or other crops - wheat and sunflower) exposed to toxic (As, Sb) and potentially toxic (in excess) essential elements (Cu) on metabolic and biochemical levels. We will focus on growth, physiological processes (membrane damage, water intake and release, etc.), changes in nitrogen metabolism and its possible connection with antioxidant mechanisms (glutathione-ascorbate cycle), as well as non-enzymatic and enzymatic components of the antioxidant defense system in individual organs of experimental plants.

Bees cannot make it all - DNA metabarcoding analysis of pollinator biodiversity for improving their protection and ecosystem services

Včely všetko nestihnú – DNA metabarkódingová analýza biodiverzity opeľovačov pre zlepšenie ich ochrany a ekosystémových služieb

Duration: 1.7.2022 - 30.6.2026
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Čiampor Fedor PhD.
Annotation:According to many sources, we are witnessing a massive loss of biodiversity, with potentially catastrophic consequences for humanity. Pollinators, which are indispensable for agriculture, nutrition, ecosystems functioning and maintenance of their services, are also critically endangered. However, the real diversity of pollinators and the composition of their communities are unknown and without relevant data, their effective conservation is not possible. We therefore need to significantly improve knowledge and innovate biodiversity research practices. Conventional methods are lengthy, costly and error-prone, which reduces the predictive value of the results. DNA (meta)barcoding is now revolutionising our ability to assess biodiversity across a range of habitats. The approach is efficient and easy to implement, making it a 21st century tool for large-scale biodiversity research and monitoring. The project builds on recent advances in DNA metabarcoding of biota and uses DNA data analysis in combination with environmental factors to assess the biodiversity status of pollinators. Environmental DNA (eDNA) from flowers will also be used, which is a unique and innovative approach to biodiversity surveys of this important group of animals so far. The main objectives of the project are (a) DNA metabarcoding analysis of pollinator biodiversity associated with three model crops (oilseed rape, poppy, apple), (b) estimation of the impact of environmental factors on pollinator diversity, (c) estimation of the impact of pollinator biodiversity on crop yields, and (d) significant addition of unique pollinator fauna data to reference DNA barcoding databases. The outputs of the project will improve the general knowledge of biodiversity, enhance the possibilities for routine application of DNA methods in the future and provide a knowledge base for more effective informed decision making in the context of adaptation to climate change and sustainable development.

Inland saline habitats in Central Europe: islands of specific diversity in the midst of changes of natural ecosystems

Vnútrozemské slaniská strednej Európy: ostrovy špecifickej diverzity v čase výrazných zmien prírodného prostredia

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Dítě Daniel PhD.
Annotation:The proposal follows up on the results of a long-term research on inland saline habitats in the Pannonian Lowland and adjacent regions in central Europe. We aim to detect the main causes of spatio-temporal vegetation changes in time intervals of 5 to 20 years from regional scale to the entire Pannonian area. We evaluate the impact of land use and restoration activities on saline vegetation obtained from data from a baseline study on permanent plots in several sites across the Podunajská nížina Lowland (Slovakia). Furthermore, we delineate the borders of halophytic vegetation within the contact plant communities of all habitat types, which is required to explicitly describe the content of these European priority habitats threatened by land use changes. Finally, an insectological survey about the distribution and ecological relationships of orthopteran assemblages indicating natural saline grasslands aims to fill a research gap in the plant-fauna interactions, focused on the less explored Pannonian subregions.

Influence of the cell wall proteins on embryogenic capacity of selected of conifers

Vplyv proteínov bunkovej steny na embryogénnu kapacitu pri vybraných druhoch ihličnanov

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Klubicová Katarína PhD.
Annotation:Cell wall (CW) is a complex and dynamic structure of plant cells which controls growth and morphology of plants during development and in response to the environment. Despite being present in low amount in CW, proteins play a key role in various processes and many of them are potentialy useful in biotechnology. Somatic embryogenesis (SE) represents an efficient plant regeneration system for theoretical studies as well as for mass propagation, especially in conifers. Process occuring during SE needs deeper understanding to use the regeneration system for conifer micropropagation more effectively. The aim of the submitted proposal is investigation of a CWPs potentially important during the induction of embryogenic tissue of selected conifers by proteomic approach. Obtained results may serve as a basis for SE markers suggestion and contribute to better understanding of the SE in woody plants.

The role of reproductive systems, hybridization, and symbiosis in the evolution and long-term survival of vascular plants in a rocky environment

Význam reprodukčných systémov, hybridizácie a symbiotickej asociácie pre evolúciu a prežívanie cievnatých rastlín v prostredí skalných biotopov

Duration: 1.7.2023 - 30.6.2027
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Slovák Marek PhD.
Annotation:Non-forest rocky habitats represent ecological islands within the surrounding landscape, and despite their challenging environmental conditions, they are biodiversity hotspots, harboring exceptional species diversity and a high proportion of relic and endemic species. Nevertheless, due to their high inaccessibility, rocky plant species have received far less attention than their counterparts in adjacent ecosystems. Consequently, the mechanisms and factors underlying their adaptability and evolution have remained elusive, despite the fact that this knowledge is crucial for their conservation and long-term survival, particularly in light of global climatic changes. We plan to investigate the significance of selected intrinsic and extrinsic traits on long-lived shrubby species of the genus Daphne (Thymeleaceae) as a model system using cutting-edge techniques (RADseq-based genomics, metabarcoding, among others) combined with computer niche modeling, karyological, and morphological analyses. The major aims of this project are to compare the overall genetic structure and level of clonality of two rock specialists, D. arbuscula (West Carpathians) and D. petraea (Southern Alps), to the more common, still relic, and rare D. cneorum. We will also focus on the level of interspecific hybridization and introgression, as well as the diversity of mycorrhizal assemblages in the studied rock species, and develop hypotheses about their role in the adaptation and survival of both species in hostile rocky habitats. We hope that our investigation will provide novel information not only about the target species but also on the evolution and adaptation of rock-dwelling species to the challenging environment of mid-elevation altitudinal rocky habitats in the temperate zone. We believe that the project's outcomes will provide critical information for addressing conservation strategies and, thus, ensuring the long-term survival of these valuable and rare species of European flora.

Yuliia Kutsokon, R2—Postdoctoral Fellow

Yuliia Kutsokon, R2 – Postdoktorand

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.7.2025
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Kutsokon Yuliia PhD.

Living on the edge. Evolutionary and bioecological aspects of narrow endemic Daphne arbuscula Čelak. (Thymelaeaceae) inhabiting extreme rocky habitats

Život na hrane. Evolučné a bioekologické aspekty stenoendemického druhu Daphne arbuscula Čelak. (Thymelaeaceae) obývajúceho extrémne skalné biotopy

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kučera Jaromír PhD.

The total number of projects: 44