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The list of national projects SAS

Institute of Archaeology

Archaeological sources to early historic times and Early Middle Ages in the Middle Danube region

Archeologické pramene k včasnej dobe dejinnej a začiatku stredoveku v strednom Podunajsku

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Pieta Karol DrSc.
Annotation:By processing, evaluating and publishing research on central sites from key stages of the Early Historical Period and the Early Middle Ages, the project will provide an overall picture of the historical development of the Central Danube region. The concept includes building on the previous results of the research team, making valuable new materials available and refining the dating of these phases through a new series of natural history analyses.

Fords, bridges, long-distance routes. Ancient roads and seats in the regions of Požitavie and Pohronie with use of underwater archaeology

Brody, mosty, diaľkové cesty. Dávnoveké komunikácie a sídla na Požitaví a Pohroní s využitím archeológie pod vodou

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Daňová Klaudia PhD.
Annotation:The project is a continuation of the previous VEGA project (2/0146/18) focused on investigation of the Váh and Nitra rivers. In the final phase of the project and associated activities, a whole range of methodologies was applied in the survey and research of Slovak rivers, new sites were discovered and first results of the research were published. The project included Slovakia in the European map of underwater archaeology. The goal of the submitted project is to continue in the search for and documentation of mainly immovable finds in underwater environment, continue in creation of a database of finds focused on these sites and, thus, bring new information on the currently unknown world under water.

Good Servant, Bad Master. Archaeological Evidence of the Use of Fire from the Prehistoric to Modern Period

Dobrý sluha, zlý pán. Archeologické doklady využitia ohňa z praveku až novoveku

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 30.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Mitáš Vladimír PhD.
Annotation:Archaeological research is permanently confronted with evidence of the use of fire both in the field research phase and in the analysis and evaluation of the material. In most cases, the artefacts and ecofacts themselves are more important in the research process than the issues of fire establishment, maintenance and control. Pyrotechnologies are hidden in most objects and artefacts from archaeological contexts. This project will attempt to look at the fire in a holistic way, studying it at different levels through the lens of pyroarchaeology, which involves a range of sub-research tasks and challenges. These include pottery making, non-ferrous metallurgy, faience and glass making, pyrotechnologies associated with building/destroying things/structures, cremation, food preparation and food preservation techniques, the place of fire in nicotinism, heating systems, landscape reshaping techniques, warfare techniques, etc. There is a wide range of possibilities for research, including the use of modern methods.

Roman Period Elites of the Suebi People in the Central Europe

Elity doby rímskej u stredoeurópskych Svébov

Duration: 1.7.2022 - 30.6.2026
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. doc. PhDr. Droberjar Eduard Ph.D.
Annotation:The basic idea of the project is to provide a balanced account of the contribution of domestic tradition, external contacts and movements to the formation of social elites and their manifestations during the Roman period. The geographical framework for the study of Germanic elites is defined by Central Europe, i.e. the territory of the Polabian Germanics (Suebi), i.e. south-western Slovakia, Bohemia and Moravia. The basic starting point of the project is the numerous source material with high narrative value, collected as a result of intensive field archaeological research in the area of interest.

The exploitation of natural resources from the Early Historic Period to the Modern Times in selected Slovak regions

Exploatácia prírodných zdrojov vo včasnej dobe dejinnej až novoveku vo vybraných regiónoch Slovenska

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Bednár Peter CSc.
Annotation:The project aims to identify defunct mining sites based on LIDAR scans, site prospections in selected Slovak regions (Považský Inovec, Tribeč, Pohronský Inovec, Javorie, Revúcka vrchovina, Vihorlat, Slanské vrchy), mapping and cataloguing, detailed documentation and acquiring samples/finds for dating and enhanced interpretation through micro-surveys. The contribution of the project will include specification of sites chosen for more detailed research, basic documentation of the sites, sampling, detailed analysis and evaluation. Thanks to the solution of the project, qualitatively new information on ancient mining activities in Slovakia will be obtained.


Hospodárske zázemie "centier" vo včasnom a na počiatku vrcholného stredoveku na severe Karpatskej kotliny.

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. PhDr. Ruttkay Matej CSc.

Chronological and regional aspects of the early medieval ceramics from the regions Ponitrie and Považie

Chronologické a regionálne aspekty včasnostredovekej keramiky z oblastí Ponitria a Považia

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Fottová Eva PhD.
Annotation:Monothematic project which focuses on actual problems of study of the early medieval ceramics at the territory of Western Slovakia (regions Považie and Ponitrie). Ceramics is, as the most numerous archaeological find and at the same time basic archaeological source, the subject of interest. Scientific value of it is raised by the collaboration of social and natural sciences. Ceramics from the different areas as hillforts, settlements, cemeteries and barrows will be present in the evaluated sets of finds. Within the project there will be examined the method of evaluation of ceramic sets, terminology, further also typological, chronological and functional analysis of ceramics and the scientific value of statistical analyses of ceramic sets. Natural science analyses will be applied to the studies as one of the goals of project is to rise information potential of ceramics. Output will be the publication of results in the form of studies.


Každodený život v hrade v stredoveku a na počiatku novoveku.

Duration: 1.9.2023 - 30.6.2026
Project leader: Mgr. (DŠ) Hulková Ferenčíková Dominika

The landscape and settlements of the Celts and Germani Mutual relations, relations in and with the landscape

Krajina a sídla u Keltov a Germánov. Vzťahy navzájom, v krajine a ku krajine

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. PhDr. Březinová Gertrúda CSc.
Annotation:In the last two or three decades, the interest of researchers in the Celtic and Germanic settlements from the LaTène and Roman periods has increased. Thanks to some monographs and important studies, we know the pace of their internal evolution, character of constructions and the material culture of their inhabitants. Now, it helps to form questions exceeding the level of individual sites. Thus, we put mutual relations of the settlements in the focus of our attention, together with the relations of people to the landscape, with regard to obtaining resources in particular. The available data allow us to create various model situations of the then society’s functioning in relation to its environment. Archaeological finds provide proxy data for reconstruction of climate changes and, thus, contribute to paleoclimatology and paleohydrology, which are only developing in our conditions.


Krajina pod mračnom bodov - potenciál špecializovaného spracovania leteckého laserového skenovania s veľmi vysokým rozlíšením pre ochranu kultúrneho dedičstva na Slovensku

Duration: 1.7.2023 - 30.6.2027
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. PhDr. Ruttkay Matej CSc.

Development od culture and character of settlement from neolithic period up to the middle ages foristence in locality of Bratislava-Zlaté Piesky.

Kultúrny vývoj a ráz osídlenia od neolitu po vrcholný stredovek na príklade lokality Bratislava - Zlaté piesky

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Bistáková Alena PhD.
Annotation:The purpose of the project is to examine settlement development in the archaeologically rich area of the eastern foreland of Bratislava from the Neolithic to the High Medieval Period. The primary goal is interdisciplinary research and complex treatment of unpublished material from the archaeological site Bratislava – Zlaté piesky. Partial results of earlier research indicate that the examination of this material and its analysis in a wider context will generate original and fundamentally new knowledge on the historical development of the south-western part of the Danubian Lowland.

Reflection of socio-economic changes in the structure of founding and construction of prehistoric settlements.

Odraz sociálno-ekonomických zmien v štruktúre zakladania a budovania pravekých sídlisk.

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Ďuriš Jozef PhD.
Annotation:The increased number of detected find contexts (e. g. settlement features of various character, or settlement layers) as well as settlement archaeological material which together create spatial and vertical stratigraphy from recent or rather new archaeological field surveys in prehistoric lowland/fortified settlements or hillforts carried out in the last decades or years create a need for their detailed and complex innovatory (interdisciplinary) processing and later confronting, reviewing or complementing our previous general knowledge of prehistoric settements in Slovakia. It is also important to process individual collections of prehistoric settlement material thoroughly. Adding information to and gradual summarizing of the general picture of prehistoric settlement units help us see the unsolved questions of several peculiarities of prehistoric settlements as a phenomenon more objectively.

Geochemical perspectives on bronze production and distribution in fortified settlements of the Early Bronze Age in eastern Slovakia

Produkcia a distribúcia bronzu na opevnených sídliskách staršej doby bronzovej na východnom Slovensku z pohľadu geochemických analýz

Duration: 1.7.2023 - 31.7.2024
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Mgr. Oravkinová Dominika PhD.
Annotation:The technological diffusion of new metal alloy– bronze significantly stimulated the overall social progress across Europe at the beginning of the Bronze Age. This era culturally belonging to the Otomani-Füzesabony culture, was in eastern Slovakia linked with the formation of a settlement network consisting of fortified sites. They were inhabited by complex communities, that cumulated craft activities and exchange trade, where products of bronze metallurgy played a key role. Despite undoubted on-site production of various artefacts, data allowing a more exact provenance and circulation studies of metal alloys in use are for now missing. By applying a geochemical analytical approach focused on bronzes of presumed local origin chosen from fortified sites we will be able to define the parameters of metal production in several regions. At the same time, the analytical confrontation of the artefacts supplemented by geological copper ores will allow examining the hypothesis about presumed local raw material exploitation and evaluation of its significance in the European context.

Relics of cultural landscape – identification and interpretation

Relikty kultúrnej krajiny – identifikácia a interpretácia

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Benediková Lucia PhD.
Annotation:The project focuses on identification and interpretation of relics of cultural landscape identified in LiDAR images and orthophoto images. It studies historical structures and their relations in the landscape: settlements, burial grounds, historical routes, relics documenting economic activities. The project includes prevention at protection of the cultural heritage, as the published sites are endangered by treasure hunters’ activities. Verification and functional interpretation of the relics will be carried out in microregions with several types of historical structures by means of comparison of archaeological and paleoenvironmental data. Field excavations will use procedures of multiple disciplines (archaeology, geophysics, archaeobotany, palynology, pedology, geology), methods of absolute dating (radiocarbon and OSL) and other analyses (isotopes). A suitable methodology of identification, research and interpretation of the detected archaeological areas will be also the outputs of the project.

Roman fort at Iža – part of the UNESCO world heritage

Rímsky tábor v Iži - súčasť svetového kultúrneho dedičstva UNESCO

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Rajtár Ján CSc.
Annotation:The focus of the project is the scientific analysis, evaluation and publication of existing knowledge about the Roman fort at Iža, a site this is enter in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It was the only fort on the northern borders of Pannonia that was situated on the left bank of the Danube. The project will document, analyse and interpret selected groups of material sources related to the architectural and historical developmental stages of the fort in a wider context. It will focus on the first, unique earth-and-timber phase of the fortification, and on ten temporary field camps in its vicinity dating from the period of the Marcomannic wars. The project aims to confirm the scientific hypothesis about the link between the camps and the Roman military campaigns against the Quadi. The main output will be monographs and studies. The results will be presented at conferences and to the public, and implemented into the study programmes in classical archaeology at Trnava University.

Settlement agglomeration of linear culture in the Žitava valley

Sídlisková aglomerácia kultúry lineárnej v údolí Žitavy

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Cheben Ivan CSc.
Annotation:The intensification of systematic field research and surface research, supplemented by magnetometry of large areas in the Žitava valley and its tributaries over the course of five years, provided evidence of settlement in the area between Čierne Kľačany and Úľany nad Žitavou. From the point of view of the settlement agglomeration, it is a closed geographical unit, on which extensive settlements of the linear culture and želiezovce group have been documented. The floor plans of houses with wheeled structures were identified on the captured sites, which indicate that urban elements were applied in their construction. Archaeological excavations carried out so far clearly prove that this section of Požitavia has become an extremely important area for solving issues of development of the first peasant communities. The source base obtained by the research will be continuously analyzed and published in studies that will evaluate the movable finding inventory, but other analyzes of samples will be made available within the framework of interdisciplinary research. Monitoring demographic developments is an important part of research.

Strategy of settlement of eastern Slovakia in the context of prehistoric development of the Northern Tisza region

Stratégia osídlenia východného Slovenska v kontexte pravekého vývoja severného Potisia

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Horváthová Eva PhD.
Annotation:The suggested project provides continuity of scientific research in eastern Slovakia. It focuses on investigation of several topics from selected periods of the early and late prehistory which are being processed. In the geographically limited territory of the central part of the Košická kotlina basin, it publishes results of recognized models of environmental indicators influencing the dynamics and changes in the settlement strategy. It studies the accompanying phenomena of establishing and construction of fortified or enclosed settlements from the period of the Middle Eneolithic. It also complexly evaluates development and structure of settlement in the Middle Bronze Age (the Piliny culture in particular) and in the Hallstatt period. The obtained scientific observations are confronted with our knowledge from the wider geographical environment of northeastern Europe.

Middle Nitra Region in the Early Middle Ages. Ad fontes.

Stredné Ponitrie vo včasnom stredoveku. Ad fontes.

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Robak Zbigniew PhD.
Annotation:The main goal of the project is mapping, verification and chronological classification of early medieval (6th-­11th c.) archaeological and historical sites in the Middle Nitra River basin and adjacent mountain areas: Tribeč, Strážovské vrchy and Považský Inovec. The goal of the project is to create a comprehensive catalogue of sites (settlements, hillforts, burial grounds) including basic information about dating. The catalogue will then serve as the primary basis for reconstructing the historical development of the region in the Early Middle Ages. The project will also summarise and verify the source base, which will be supplemented by new scientific analyses of already available or newly obtained samples. The project solution also includes an evaluation of the source base and the publication of these analyses in partial studies. The project also envisages making available to the public the latest research results of IA SAS on the most important archaeological sites in Middle Nitra Region.


Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených konfliktom na Ukrajine

Duration: 6.6.2022 - 5.6.2025
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: doc. Zabavin Viačeslav Olehovič CSc.

Validation of Late Prehistoric sites in selected regions by interdisciplinary and non-destructive research

Validácia nálezísk mladšieho praveku vo vybraných regiónoch metódami interdisciplinárnej a nedeštruktívnej archeológie

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Oravkinová Dominika PhD.
Annotation:Social transformations of the Late Prehistory Slovakia are mainly identified with changes in material culture and settlement structures. These can be better understood by evaluating previously documented archaeological records within various spatiotemporal contexts. As the current knowledge of socio-economic oscillations and their causes varies across periods and regions, further research must be conducted through a series of concurrent and independent tasks. The heuristic is aimed to supplement the source base allowing for an assessment of the general settlement dynamics. Its content will be refined by analyzing selected artifacts and ecofacts using standard interdisciplinary methods. Finally, we will focus on verifying the sites with future research potential through non-destructive and minimally destructive field surveys. The acquired knowledge will be applied in the methodology, in the refinement of interpretative models, as well as in further research conceptions and archaeological heritage protection.

Verification of the Late Middle Palaeolithic and Early Upper Palaeolithic archaeological contexts from caves in Slovakia

Verifikácia jaskynných archeologických kontextov zo sklonku stredného a počiatku mladého paleolitu na Slovensku

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Nemergut Adrián Ph.D.
Annotation:The project deals with the transition between the Late Middle Palaeolithic and Early Upper Palaeolithic, when Neanderthals disappear from archaeological contexts and the finds of anatomically modern humans gradually emerge and expand. The Middle Danube region plays an important role in this topic. Recently, research of this issue in the surrounding countries has shifted considerably, especially in connection with new or re-evaluation of older data from archaeological excavations carried out in the 19th-20th centuries. Particularly important are the archaeological contexts deposited in the caves. Despite the fact that we know many important cave sites in Slovakia, research of this issue has not progressed significantly in recent years. The project builds on new results from Hungary, Moravia and Poland. The project aims to verify cave contexts from this period in Slovakia and their interdisciplinary evaluation.

Influence of the exploitation of natural resources on ways of life in the Bronze Age and Iron Age

Vplyv využívania prírodných zdrojov na spôsob života v dobe bronzovej a v dobe železnej

Duration: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Benediková Lucia PhD.
Annotation:Natural resources and their availability have always been being a key presumption of existence for human society. Availability of diverse resources, ability to exploit them or control access to them preconditioned or even determined the selection of sites for settling, level of development and life standard of individual communities. Studying the relation of human societies to natural resources and their background is an important part of archaeological investigation and its sub-discipline, the so-called economic archaeology. Implementation of archaeometric methods guarantees interdisciplinary approach and higher objectivity of obtained results. In the project, the relation of the human societies to the natural resources will be studied, as well as the impact of this relation to the way of life in the Bronze and Iron Ages in the territory of contemporary Slovakia. It will be based on processing and evaluation of materials from settlement sites with various functions and various exploited natural resources: organic (plant and animal) as well as anorganic ones (in the project, with special focus on clay, copper/bronze and iron). Employment of archaeometric methods by investigating the individual types of sources (metal and pottery artifacts, archaeobotanical and archaeozoological material) and interdisciplinary approach to them will ensure the objectivity of obtained results. At selected sites with documented specialized metallurgic production, interdisciplinary field research connected with the investigation of their background will be carried out. The expected outcomes include a reconstruction of strategies in detection and exploitation of natural resources and testing and/or defining new methodologies for investigation of prehistoric and protohistoric metallurgic centres in mountainous environment.

Military and horse equipment in Medieval Period

Výzbroj a výstroj bojovníka a jeho koňa v stredoveku

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Holeščák Michal PhD.
Annotation:Analysis of the chosen artefact types connected with weapons, armour and horse riding equipment, remains of military clashes and presence of armed groups in one place. From the geographical viewpoint, proposed grant rises from regional level to global context of whole Eurasia, from the chronological viewpoint the primary focus is the Medieval Period, from its Early to Late stages. Archaeological material will be analysed with use of modern methods and geographical information systems. The focus of the project is to percieve local and global development, kultural and regional specifications of weapons, armour and horse horse harness in the region north of the Danube in connection with over-regional units in their respective time periods, like the Great Moravia or the Kingdom of Hungary.

Importance of obsidian sources in Slovakia in the Neolithic and Eneolithic period

Význam zdrojov obsidiánu na Slovensku v období paleolitu až eneolitu

Duration: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: PhDr. Cheben Ivan CSc.
Annotation:The issue of the chipped industrie of the Stone Age was dealt with in Slovakia, especially for the Neolithic period and eneolite, rather marginally. Only some larger finding files have been evaluated. It is only in recent years that research into this issue has been more intensively developed. For the study of split industry, modern analyses are applied which can affect the stages of production processes from the acquisition of raw material from primary or secondary sources, through their initial processing, distribution to final use. The evaluation of the questions set is based on a comprehensive analysis of obsidian artifacts. The project is aimed at a comprehensive evaluation of obsidian split industry, as well as the findings from the Paleolithion period to the earlier Bronze Age from the territory of Slovakia, including the sources of obsidian, the primary occurrence of which is situated in the south-eastern part of the country. The issues addressed are closely related to obsidian research – it is about capturing processes such as importing a given raw material into a housing estate, transforming it and determining the artifact that was the target of its production. They form the basis for an overall theoretical evaluation of the observed issue.

Old finds rediscovered. The contribution of archival materials to the knowledge of our earlier medieval history.

Znovuobjavené staré nálezy. Prínos archívnych materiálov pre poznanie našich starších stredovekých dejín.

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Fusek Gabriel CSc.
Annotation:In the archives and deposits of scientific institutions there is documentation from large-scale archaeological excavations carried out several decades ago, which have never been completely processed. The aim of the project is to make available and scientifically evaluate archival holdings from several phases of the Middle Ages (7th – 13th centuries). The basic source base is represented by large settlements and cemeteries from western Slovakia, supplemented by smaller material collections.

The total number of projects: 25