The list of international projects SAS
Institute of Electrical Engineering SAS
Atomic-layer 3D printing as a new paradigm for smart sensorics
3D tlač atomárnych vrstiev ako nová paradigma pre múdru senzoriku
Duration: |
1.6.2023 - 31.5.2026 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Ing. Hudec Boris PhD. |
Annotation: | The goal of the project is adopting new rapid on-demand prototyping fab-less fabrication method of atomic-layer additive manufacturing (ALAM) to fabricate a matrix of non-identical microscopic TiO2-based hydrogen-sensing elements, arranged into pre-programmed hardware neural network (HNN). The first application is a fully ALAM-printed prototype of a smart Pt/TiO2-based low-power hydrogen sensor with low-level in-sensor data processing. Wider adoption of ALAM technology, which we will pursue through the open innovation hub framework, where rapid prototyping of various ALAM-printed HNN designs from stakeholders, will be encouraged. Project addresses the needs for novel process technologies considering circular economy with minimized waste and use of critical materials, and the need for new smart sensors with in-sensor data processing for the rising hydrogen energy infrastructure. |
European Innovative GaN Advanced Microwave Integration
Európska inovatívna pokročilá GaN mikrovlnná integrácia
European Network for Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy
Európska sieť pre inovatívnu a pokročilú epitaxiu
Heterogeneous Material and Technological Platform for a New Domain of Power Nanoelectronics
Heterogenná materiálová a technologická platforma pre novú doménu výkonovej nanoelektroniky
Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology
Podpora inovácií v urýchľovačovom výskume a technológií
Band-gap engineering in unconventional semiconductors
Projektovanie šírky zakázaného pásu v nekonvenčných polovodičoch
Slovak Quantum Communication
Slovenská kvantová komunikačná infraštruktúra
Central-European (Ultra)Wide Bandgap Expertise Cluster
Stredoeurópsky kompetenčný klaster pre (ultra)širokopásmové polovodiče
Superconducting cables for sustainable energy transition
Supravodivé káble podporujúce prechod na udržateľnú energetiku
Superconducting magnets for the European Magnet Field Laboratory
Supravodivé magnety pre European Magnet Field Laboratory
Topologically nontrivial phases of layered transition-metal dichalcogenides
Topologicky netriviálne fázy vrstvených dichalkogenidov prechodných kovov
Establishment of reliability laboratory for pawer modules and joint reserch of GaN and Ga2O3 power devices
Vybudovanie laboratória pre výskum spoľahlivosti výkonových modulov a spoločný výskum v oblasti GaN a Ga2O3 polovodičových výkonových súčiastok
High-TeHigh-Temperature SuperConductivity for AcceLerating the Energy Transitionmperature SuperConductivity for AcceLerating the Energy Transition
Vysokoteplotná supravodivosť pre zrýchlenie prechodu k čistejšej energii
Vertically aligned two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide composites for micro-supercapacitors
Vývoj vertikálnych kompozitov z dichalkogenidov prechodových kovov pre použitie v mikrosuperkondenzátoroch
The total number of projects: 14