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The list of international projects SAS

Institute of Hydrology

IHP-IX Regional cooperation of the Danube countries

IHP-IX Regionálna spolupráca podunajských krajín

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2029
Program: UNESCO
Project leader: RNDr. Miklánek Pavol CSc.
Annotation:Anotácia (EN) In 1971, the hydrologists of 8 Danube Countries launched on a voluntary basis a regional hydrological cooperation aiming to produce consistent hydrological information about the whole Danube Catchment with an area of 817,000 km². Since 1987, this cooperation has been carried out in the framework of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO, so far under the coordination of the IHP National Committees of Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary. The cooperation of the Danube countries within framework of the IHP of UNESCO is based on the one hand on project work and on the other on regular conferences. The aim of the conferences is to serve as a forum for discussion and exchange of views among the specialists involved.

Water isotopes in the critical zone: from groundwater recharge to plant transpiration

Izotopy vody v kritickej zóne: od dopĺňania zásob podzemnej vody po transpiráciu rastlín

Duration: 24.9.2020 - 23.9.2024
Program: COST
Project leader: RNDr. Holko Ladislav PhD.
Annotation:Understanding water exchange within the critical zone, i.e.the dynamic skin of the Earth that extends from vegetation canopy to groundwater, is vital for addressing key environmental problems linked to the sustainable management of water resources. The main aim of WATSON is to collect, integrate, and synthesize current interdisciplinary scientific knowledge on the partitioning and mixing of water in the critical zone taking advantage of the unique tracing capability of water isotopes. These efforts will allow going beyond the current fragmented knowledge providing a novel conceptual framework on the interactions between groundwater recharge, soil water storage, and vegetation transpiration useful for water resources management across a variety of climatic settings. The Action activities are based on a network of early career and senior scientists from different complementary disciplines who are experts in the use of water isotopes, and stakeholders from governmental agencies and private companies from 19 COST countries and one Near Neighbour Country. The ultimate goal of the network is to build capacity in the use of robust isotope approaches for water resource management.

Knowledge transfer on aquatic ecosystem accidental pollution within the climate change to Georgia

Prenos poznatkov o znečistení vodného ekosystému v rámci klimatických zmien v Gruzínsku

Duration: 1.2.2024 - 28.3.2025
Program: Other
Project leader: Mgr. Rončák Peter PhD.
Annotation:The project is focused on pollution accidents from the industry, mining activities and solid waste landfills, taking into account the impact of the climate change on the surface water. Such pollution affects considerable the surface water ecosystems and also the inhabitants due to impact on the ground water as the source of drinking water. The project proposal is based on the principles defined in the EU Directives as Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (WFD) and Directive 2004/35/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage (ELD). The severity of pollution accidents is visible around the many regions. The project will contribute to fill up the gaps to change the current reactive approach, dealing with damages caused by pollution accidents to acting preventively for potential next accidents in Georgia and contribute to distinguishing the impact of the climate change on the surface water conditions (low flows and higher water temperature). Furthermore, cooperation improvement between authorities is key to more efficient response to surface water pollution problems. The project also aims to increase public awareness on surface water ecosystem protection.

Impact of willow biochar application on hydro–physical and physicochemical properties of the silt loam soil

Vplyv aplikácie biouhlia vyrobeného z vŕby na hydro–fyzikálne a fyzikálno–chemické vlastnosti prachovitohlinitej pôdy

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2024
Program: Mobility
Project leader: Ing. Toková Lucia PhD.
Annotation:Adverse changes in the agroecosystems are related to the progressive degradation of soils, the intensifying effects of climate change, and the excessive use of mineral fertilizers. One of the proposed solutions for soil quality protection is biochar obtained in the pyrolysis process of plant biomass. However, there is a need for a thorough and consistent characterization of biochar used and the effects of their agricultural management. The main goal of the cooperation is to investigate the effect of biochar' application on physicochemical and hydro-physical properties of silty loam soil. We hypothesize that the use of biochar will affect changes in retention, water transport, porosity, and stability of aggregates. We also assume that the observed changes will depend on the type, concentration, and size of the biochar fraction.

Mitigating the effects of climate change on the different land use sectors in river basins in Georgia

Zmiernenie dôsledkov klimatickej zmeny v rôznych sektoroch využívania krajiny v povodiach riek v Gruzínsku

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2024
Program: Open Mobility
Project leader: Mgr. Rončák Peter PhD.
Annotation:Climate change in the South Caucasus countries is clearly evident. Recent research confirms that average annual air temperatures are steadily increasing and extreme weather events, such as storms and heatwaves, have been intensifying over the last few decades. Georgia is prone to a range of hazards such as landslides, floods, hydrological and soil drought, which are exacerbated by climate change, and which result in serious damage to infrastructure, casualties and economic losses. The main goal of the project is to contribute to increasing sustainability and improving conditions in water management, forestry and agriculture by proposing adaptation measures to mitigate the effects of climate change. This research will be carried out in less developed areas in terms of adaptation and climate change mitigation. The result will be, in cooperation with a NEA partner, a proposal for measures to address climate change mitigation for water management, forestry and agriculture.

The total number of projects: 5