The list of international projects SAS
Institute of Neuroimmunology
Alzheimer's Disease Diagnostics Innovation and Translation to Clinical Practice in Central Europe
Targeting Western Diet-Induced Neurodegeneration
Cielenie neurodegenerácie indukovanej západnou diétou
Double-edged sword of Parkinson's disease: the study of extracellular vesicles as a mediator of pathology spreading and uniquesource of early diagnostics data
Integrative structural biology of pathological tau protein, an appealing therapeutic target for Alzheimer´s disease modifying drugs
Integrative structural biology of pathological tau protein, an appealing therapeutic target for Alzheimer´s disease modifying drugs
Shorter- and longer-term mechanisms of multimodal interventions to prevent dementia
Krátkodobý a dlhodobý mechanizmus multimodálnej intervencie pre prevenciu demencie
Lipid mediators and glial cells: key candidates for brain homeostasis
Lipid mediators and glial cells: key candidates for brain homeostasis
Neurovascular damage determines disease pathophysiology in pediatric mild traumatic brain injury: source of new biomarkers
Neurovaskulárne poškodenie určuje patofyziológiu ochorenia u detských pacientov po traumatickom poškodení mozgu: zdroj nových biomarkerov
Non-globular proteins in the era of Machine Learning
Disease-predisposing or resilience-promoting? Decoding the systems biology and behavioural predictors and determinants of the tipping point of stress
Predisponujúce k chorobám alebo podporujúce odolnosť? Dekódovanie biológie systémov, markerov a determinantov bodu zlomu stresu
A premotor disease signature for ALS
Rukopis pre-motorického štádia amytrofnej laterálnej sklerózy
Developing novel nanopharmaceutics against bacterial infections at center nervous system
Vývoj nových nanoliečiv proti bakteriálnym infekciám v centrálnom nervovom systéme
The total number of projects: 11