The list of international projects SAS
Centre of Biosciences SAS
Absorption, distribution, deposition and elimination of encapsulated form of thymol in rabbit organism.
Absorbcia, distribúcia, depozícia a eliminácia enkapsulovanej formy tymolu v organizme králikov.
Duration: |
1.1.2023 - 31.12.2024 |
Program: |
Open Mobility |
Project leader: |
MVDr. Plachá Iveta PhD |
Annotation: | To ensure effective therapeutic and nutritional dosage of herbal additives, scientists have focused their attention on biotransformation processes, absorption, distribution and deposition of their compounds in animal organism. Thymol, a major compound of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), exhibits strong beneficial properties related to its phenolic structure. To describe the metabolic processes of thymol in an organism, we chose the rabbit as a model animal because it represents an appropriate model for the evaluation of the bioavailability of nutrients. In that, thymol is very volatile and evaporates quickly during feed processing, we decided to use more stable pelleted form of thymol, which allows its release in the small intestine, where main biotransformation processes are presented. |
How can biotransformation processes of thymol affect "gut health" in animal organism
Ako ovplyvňujú biotransformačné procesy tymolu "zdravie čreva" u zvierat.
Duration: |
1.1.2023 - 31.12.2024 |
Program: |
Mobility |
Project leader: |
MVDr. Plachá Iveta PhD |
Annotation: | Currently, the widespread antibiotic resistance presents a global health problem, and it has forced researchers to return to the pre-antibiotic era. For this reason, the development of new drugs of natural origin presents a big challenge for scientists. Thymus vulgaris (thyme) has started receiving major attention either as dried leaves or its essential oil, as often demonstrated its beneficial properties. Since there is a lack of detailed information on thymol metabolism within the animal organism, further research should be done to
establish the relation between its concentration and biological role to optimise its effect on animal health, before recommending the application of thymol to farm animals generally. |
Environmental impact of anthelmintics in livestock and alternatives to minimize their use
Environmentálny vplyv antihelmintík na hospodárske zvieratá a alternatívy na minimalizáciu ich používania
Duration: |
10.10.2024 - 9.10.2028 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
MVDr. Váradyová Zora PhD |
Annotation: | Pasture-based animal production systems play a vital role in promoting sustainable farming practices in Europe. These systems rely on grass grazing as an affordable feed source on the farm. However, these systems have certain disadvantages, particularly concerning animal health since grazing livestock are very susceptible to infections caused by helminth parasites. These infections can impose a substantial economic burden on the food production system and the most commonly used method for their control is the administration of anthelmintic drugs. However, these drugs have been considered recently emerging contaminants because their presence in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems poses significant environmental risks. Under this context, the objective of ENVIRNAT is to advance, consolidate and disseminate research and knowledge on the environmental occurrence and ecological impact of anthelmintics administered to livestock and to propose more sustainable practices and methods to minimize their use in the control of helminth infections. This Action aims to (i) to monitor the sale, use and efficacy of anthelmintics in European livestock farming; (ii) to investigate factors related to farming practices, the environment and climatic conditions that favour the persistence of anthelmintics in the environment; (iii) to assess the impact of anthelmintic residues on ecosystems; (iv) to develop sustainable methods to reduce the use of anthelmintics in a variety of European settings; (v) to conduct socio-psychological research on barriers that may arise in the implementation of sustainable methods; (vi) to model the impact of anthelmintic use, considering both animal health benefits and ecosystem risks through benefit-risk assessment.
European Andrology Network – Research Coordination, Education And Public Awareness
Európska sieť pre andrológiu – koordinácia výskumu, vzdelávania a verejného povedomia
Duration: |
27.10.2021 - 26.10.2025 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
RNDr. Antalíková Jana PhD. |
Annotation: | ANDRONET aims to boost research collaboration, education and public awareness in andrology, a field of science that deals with male health. Currently there are no European- or world-wide networks through which researchers and clinicians in andrology can interact. The need for such a network is urgent due to the increasing incidence of infertility and testicular cancer, worrying reports of an association of poor reproductive function with poor health, and male predisposition to serious diseases, including Covid-19, leading to shorter life expectancy in men. Male infertility is common, but the patients are currently treated through assisted reproduction technology with primary burden on women. The aetiology of male reproductive problems is heterogeneous and comprises complex interactions between multiple genes and
epigenetic factors, with largely unknown impact of environmental factors including infections. This COST Action proposes to increase multidisciplinary research collaboration and data exchange among andrology centres, and transfer of knowledge to European countries with less developed research. The initial consortium includes centres comprising complementary clinical and research expertise at a very high level, but ANDRONET will expand to reach a critical mass necessary for obtaining new knowledge and its possible commercial exploitation across Europe. ANDRONET aims to improve professional education in andrology which is fragmented among several medical branches and will contribute to the recognition of andrology as a medical subspecialty at European level. ANDRONET will strive to properly inform the public with evidence-based knowledge and thereby increase awareness of increasing male health problems and contribute to development of preventive measures.
European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare
Európske partnerstvo pre zdravie a welfare zvierat
Duration: |
1.1.2024 - 31.12.2026 |
Program: |
Horizon Europe |
Project leader: |
RNDr. Košťál Ľubor CSc. |
Annotation: | The European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare (represented by the acronym EUPAHW) is by far the most ambitious research and innovation initiative the European Commission (EC) has funded to control infectious diseases of animals, and to promote animal welfare. Launched this year (2024), the innovative Partnership is anticipated to invest €360 million over seven years to boost research and facilitate cooperation between all actors. The scope goes beyond the animal health and welfare actors to enhance cross sector collaboration and, through a One Health and One Welfare approach, to provide societal impact. The objectives of the EUP AH&W align with the European Green Deal and its associated Farm to Fork strategy for a fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly food system. |
Genome Editing to Treat Humans Diseases
Liečba chorôb modifikáciou genómu
Maternal Perinatal Stress and Adverse Outcomes in the Offspring: Maximising infants´development
Materský perinatálny stres a nepriaznivé výsledky u potomstva: Optimalizácia vývoja dojčiat
Duration: |
9.11.2023 - 8.11.2027 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
prof. RNDr. Lacinová Ľubica DrSc. |
Annotation: | High levels of maternal perinatal stress are associated with negative effects in the offspring. The adverse impact maternal stress can have in the infants´s health is 1) in the short term (prematurity, low infant birthweight); 2) the long-term (neuroinflamation, autism); 3) the very long-term (transgenerational effects). Previous studies have reported maternal stress can have transgenerational consequences. During pregnancy, high levels of maternal stress can cross the placenta and reach the fetus. Mediators responsible for the impact of maternal stress in the developing fetus include cytokines, tryptophan, cortisol, cathecolamines, reactive oxygen species, oxidative stress and microbiota. These mediators, along with epigenetic mechanisms, are involved on the adverse consequences high levels of maternal stress can have in the offspring.
In order to improve fetal development and boost infant´s health throughout their lifespan, the TREASURE project aims to consolidate a multidisciplinary and international network of scientists, clinicians, students, stakeholders, Non-Governmental Organisations
(NGOs) and Enterprises to achieve impact through a three-fold main objective : 1) discovering, reviewing and disseminating scientific evidence on minimize, reduce and prevent the impact of maternal perinatal stress on fetal development, and to improve psychological, medical and neural development in the offspring during their life-span; 2) bridging knowledge, evidence and experience between scientific disciplines, and bringing international research groups together to increase knowledge exchange between countries. 3) forming international coalitions to efficiently translate scientific knowledge into clinical guidelines and best practices across Europe to improve the health of children, and reducing economic cost appearing from high levels of maternal perinatal stress. |
Medicinal plants for animal health care: Translating tradition into modern veterinary medicine;
Medicinálne rastliny v starostlivosti o zdravie zvierat: prechod z tradičnej na modernú veterinárnu medicínu.
Duration: |
12.10.2023 - 11.10.2027 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
MVDr. Plachá Iveta PhD |
Annotation: | The COST Action MedPlants4Vet will create an unprecedented European network of scientists and young researchers and stimulate research activities in different fields of phytochemistry, ethno- and phytopharmacology, pharmacognosy and clinical trials. |
Molecular and physiological properties of honeybee royal jelly proteins
Molekulárne a fyziologické vlastnosti proteínov včelej materskej kašičky
Duration: |
1.4.2021 - 31.3.2025 |
Program: |
Bilateral - other |
Project leader: |
RNDr. Bíliková Katarína PhD. |
Annotation: | Study of physiologically active proteins and peptides of honeybee products, especially honeybee jelly and honey, with the aim of applying the results of the research in human medicine and nutrition |
Pan-European Network in Lipidomics and Epilipidomics
Paneurópska sieť pre lipidomiku a epilipidomiku
Duration: |
13.10.2020 - 12.10.2024 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Mgr. Balážová Mária PhD. |
Annotation: | Lipids represent a wide variety of molecules that play different biological roles such as energy resources, structural components or signaling molecules that regulate metabolic homeostasis. Most notably, lipids and oxidatively modified lipids have been found to be involved in regulating important mechanisms mediating tissue injury, inflammation, and related non-communicable diseases, which are responsible for near 70% of all deaths in developed countries.
Lipidomics and Epilipidomics are the most promising strategies for the progress in the knowledge of lipids, aiming at biomarker discovery for the prevention, early diagnosis, monitoring, evaluation of diseases therapeutics. These approaches involve the use of complex protocols, different instrumentation and processing huge amounts of data. Effectiveness, while reducing the high costs associated with these technologies, requires a harmonized multidisciplinary approach involving coordinated actions from pan-European centres of lipidomics investigation. This will avoid unnecessary redundancy, improving reproducibility and ensuring efficient and productive research.
EpiLipidNET aims to build and maintain a multidisciplinary pan-European network of researchers, clinicians and enterprises working in the field of lipidomics and epilipidomics to boost a hub of research excellence, advanced knowledge and technology transfer, to promote high level of training for young researches and facilitate clinical translation. EpiLipidNet will include five interactive Working Groups covering analytical methods and computational approaches in (epi)Lipidomics, clinical significance and applications, lipid signaling and mechanisms of action, dissemination and outreach. |
Lipid Regulation for Anti-Inflammatory Therapy
Regulácia lipidov ako protizápalová terapia
Duration: |
1.1.2024 - 31.12.2026 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Mgr. Balážová Mária PhD. |
Annotation: | Bacterial or viral infections can activate inflammatory processes. High-affinity inhibitory interactions between the anionic phospholipids in pulmonary surfactant and TLRs suggests that these lipids play a crucial role in regulating infectious and innate immune processes. This proposal aims to investigate the role of lipid regulation in microbial infection and host defense responses. Anionic lipids, such as phosphatidylglycerol(PG) and phosphatidylinositol(PI), are proposed to act as bait ligands for TLRs and viral attachment proteins. The therapeutic potential of valproic acid (VPA) in inducing the synthesis of PG in pulmonary surfactant, which could suppress inflammatory responses, will be investigated. The human alveolar basal epithelial cell line A549 and pro-monocytic model cell line U937 will be utilized to address these inflammatory responses. Additionally, the study investigates methods for preventing the transition from acute to chronic inflammation and subsequent neuroinflammation. PG, PI, and anti-inflammatory eicosanoids will be tested as potential therapeutic agents to prevent neuro-inflammation. |
Translational control in Cancer European Network
Translačná kontrola v európskej onkologickej sieti
Safety in the Game Meat chain
Zabezpečenie nezávadnosti mäsa poľovnej zveri v reťazci "z lesa po vidličku"
Duration: |
29.9.2023 - 28.9.2027 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
MVDr. Lauková Andrea CSc. |
Annotation: | The main aim and objective of the Action is to determine differences and similarities between European countries in terms of hunting practices, game meat processing and inspection, game meat commodity flows, trade and game meat consumption, investigating all stages of the supply chain from the wild animals to the consumers, "from forest to fork". |
Lifting farm animal lives – laying the foundations for positive animal welfare
Zlepšenie životov hospodárskych zvierat - položenie základov pre pozitívne životné podmienky zvierat
Duration: |
4.11.2022 - 3.11.2026 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
RNDr. Košťál Ľubor CSc. |
Annotation: | The main aim and objective of the Action is to define and conceptualise positive animal welfare, to identify valid methodologies to assess positive animal welfare, to assess the understanding and acceptance of this concept, and to suggest potential animal- and resource-based indicators of positive welfare to be monitored on farm. |
Biosecurity enhanced through training evaluation and raising awareness
Zvýšenie biosekurity v živočíšnej produkcii zvyšovaním povedomia a metód biokontroly pre redukciu rizík vzniku a šírenia infekčných ochorení.
Duration: |
21.10.2021 - 20.10.2025 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
MVDr. Lauková Andrea CSc. |
Annotation: | Biosecirity is a paramount importance to prevent the introduction and spread of pathogens and, consequently, to preserve health of farmed animals. Healthier animals result in better animal wellfere, better sustainability of animal production systems and less antimicrobial use. Despite these benefits, biosecurity is limited by different factors: lack of knowledge on ways for improvement, especially in extensive systems or settings with low resources, shortage of adequate ways to enhance communication, diversity methodologies and their cost-effectiveness, low number of trained professionals. To approach these challanges, project will evaluate how biosecurity is currently used and will use participative approaches to understand motivators and barriers for biosecurity implementation. Action will also compare existing methods and will identify which points has to be more trained and will develop courses for increase of professionals. Action will recommend priority research areas for future biosecurity improvement in animal production systems which will be reached via transdisciplinary group of investigators. |
The total number of projects: 15