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The list of international projects SAS

Biomedical Research Center SAS

Alzheimer's Disease Diagnostics Innovation and Translation to Clinical Practice in Central Europe

Alzheimerova choroba: Diagnostika, inovácie a translácia do klinickej praxe v strednej Európe

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: Horizon Europe
Project leader: prof. MUDr. Ukropcová Barbara PhD.
Annotation:Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affects millions of individuals worldwide, and currently there are no effective disease-modifying therapies. Prompt AD diagnosis is beneficial with respect to care and delay of disease progression. However, the implementation of modern AD diagnostics in clinical practice in Czechia and Slovakia is fragmented. To address this, the EU-funded ADDIT-CE project will support the cooperation between academia, business, government and civil society. The partnership is expected to strengthen research and innovation in the field of AD diagnostics and introduce novel technologies into AD clinical management. ADDIT-CE will help design a national plan for combatting dementia and establish a functional innovation ecosystem that will revolutionise diagnostic approaches and continue to serve society even after the project’s completion.

Diamond templates for stimulated growth of various human cell lines in in vitro system

Diamantové templáty pre stimulovaný rast rôznych ľudských bunkových línií v systéme in vitro

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2024
Program: Mobility
Project leader: RNDr. Kozics Katarína PhD.
Annotation:This project focuses on implementing a novel biomimetic system based on three-dimensional (3D) scaffolds overcoated with a functionalized (boron-)doped diamond film capable of electrically stimulating various human cell lines (HepG2, TH1, A549). The material part of the Project envisages the development of 3D porous foam-like ceramic scaffolds with an optimally boron-doped diamond film based on plasma processes and diamond structuring optimized by physicochemical analysis. The biological part envisages improved cell growth on the surface of a boron-doped diamond film. The project contributes to the development of new materials that support cell adhesion, proliferation and growth, which is crucial for a new generation of implantable biomedical devices.

European Network for Skin Engineering and Modeling

Európska sieť pre kožné inžinierstvo a modelovanie

Duration: 15.9.2022 - 14.9.2026
Program: COST
Project leader: RNDr. Šramková Monika PhD.

European partnership fostering a European Research Area (ERA) for health research

Európske partnerstvo prehlbujúce spoluprácu v rámci Európskeho výskumného priestoru (ERA) pre zdravotnícky výskumu

Duration: 1.11.2022 - 30.10.2029
Program: Horizon Europe
Project leader: doc. MUDr. Imrich Richard DrSc.
Annotation:Excellent EU programs push health R&I but are not sufficient. Synergy with strategic initiatives in MS and a new model for impactful collaborations are needed to address the challenges for health. ERA4Health brings the opportunity to increase EU transnational collaborative research funding by creating a funding body for joint programming in priority areas addressing EU Public Health Needs, with total duration of 7 years. ERA4Health focuses on tackling diseases and reducing disease burden and the following challenges: 1) the increasing demand for a better quality of life and a better care of patients, 2) the need to transform public health care systems in more effective, efficient, equitable, accessible, and resilient ones and 3) the need to strengthen disease prevention and health promotion. In this view, ERA4Health objectives are: .SO1- Support relevant medical research including clinical fields and intervention areas (prevention, diagnosis, treatment) .SO2- Improve the utilisation of existing health technologies in clinical practice .SO3- Build capacity, in particular in conducting Investigator Initiated Clinical Studies at EU scale .SO4- Implement and advance the practice of RRI across the breadth of the programme ERA4Heatlth will be implemented in 2 phases: . Phase 1 (2 years) will implement joint calls focused on nutrition and lifestyle-related diseases, cardiovascular diseases and nanomedicine (4 in two years). In parallel, it will establish a supporting framework to overcome the challenges in launching international IICSs joint calls. . Phase 2, if the EC approves it: additional multinational calls for IICSs and joint calls for other priority areas will be launched in accordance with the decision of the Health Programme Committee taken at the end of previous Phase 34 partners (20 from EU, 3 Third Countries associated to HE and 2 non-associated, non EU), will commit 90,510,000€, during the 3 first years, as financial support to third parties.

European Virus Archive GLOBAL

Európsky vírusový archív GLOBAL

Duration: 1.1.2020 - 30.9.2024
Program: Horizon 2020
Project leader: RNDr. Klempa Boris DrSc.

Genomic instability in cells from persons exposed to RF from base stations

Genomická nestabilita v bunkách od osôb vystavených RF zo základných staníc

Duration: 8.9.2021 - 31.12.2027
Program: Other
Project leader: doc. Ing. Beliaev Igor DrSc.
Annotation:The blood samples from persons exposed to radiofrequency radiation (RF) from base stations will be analyzed for DNA damage and genetic instability using comprehensive techniques and endpoints including oxidative damage, comet assay, chromosomal aberrations, micronuclei assay, preleukemic gene fusions. The data will be correlated with RF exposures provided by the German partner.

Identification of biological markers for prevention and translational medicine in pancreatic cancer

Identifikácia biologických markerov pre prevenciu a translačnú medicínu pri rakovine pankreasu

Duration: 11.10.2022 - 10.10.2026
Program: COST
Project leader: Mgr. Smolková Božena PhD.
Annotation:Pancreatic cancer (PC) has a high mortality rate and is projected to become a massive public health problem in Europe. This Action will boost research on prevention of PC, particularly in the discovery of genetic risk factors, risk stratification, identification of biomarkers for early detection and patient monitoring, elucidation of biological mechanisms and functional pharmacogenomics for personalized medicine. These aims will be attained by expanding an existing interdisciplinary network. The Action will be organized in the following working groups: • Disease risk profiling. This WG will use germline genetic variants, epigenetics, transcriptomics and environmental factors to model disease risk and apply risk stratification scores to better select individuals eligible to be screened for PC or its precursors. • Non-invasive biomarkers. This WG will apply state-of-the-art liquid biopsies for the detection and characterization of circulating tumor cells and DNA, tumor-derived exosomes, tumor-educated platelets, epigenetic markers, and will test their diagnostic value for PC precursors and early-stage PC. • Tumor profiling. Genomic, epigenomic and transcriptional profiling of PC and its precursors in a multiregional analysis fashion will be used to identify novel biomarkers with prognosis and predictive value for PC patient stratification. • Functional genomics and therapy. This WG will functionally validate candidate genetic variants from germline or tumor studies by using cutting-edge approaches such as CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing. It will also generate novel approaches such as organoids / zebrafish avatars to implement (chemo)therapeutic strategies based on the patient in an effort to implement personalized medicine for PC.

Integrated Services for Infectious Disease Outbreak Research

Integrované služby pre výskum prepuknutia infekčných chorôb

Duration: 1.2.2022 - 31.7.2025
Program: Horizon Europe
Project leader: RNDr. Klempa Boris DrSc.

Reward-stress interactions as neurobiological substrate for resilience and vulnerability in mental health and depression: A translational large-scale project

Interakcia medzi odmenou a stresom ako neurobiologický podklad odolnosti a rezistencie v duševnom zdraví a depresii: Rozsiahly translačný projekt

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2026
Program: ERANET
Project leader: RNDr. Hlaváčová Nataša PhD.



Duration: 1.5.2023 - 30.4.2026
Program: Horizon Europe
Project leader: Mgr. Cihová Marína PhD.

Translational control in Cancer European Network

Kontrola translácie v Cancer European Network

Duration: 4.10.2022 - 3.10.2026
Program: COST
Project leader: RNDr. Jurkovičová Dana PhD.

Genome Editing to Treat Humans Diseases

Liečba chorôb modifikáciou genómu

Duration: 15.9.2022 - 14.9.2026
Program: COST
Project leader: prof. PharmDr. Ježová Daniela DrSc.

Modelling immunotherapy response and toxicity in cancer

Modelovanie toxicity a odpovede na imunoterapiu pri liečbe rakoviny

Duration: 2.11.2022 - 1.11.2026
Program: COST
Project leader: Mgr. Smolková Božena PhD.
Annotation:The IMMUNO-model COST Action aims to foster research and innovation in the field of preclinical immuno-oncology models with the ultimate goal of advancing in the treatment of cancer patients by improving their outcomes and quality of life. The unprecedented change that immunotherapy has represented in the treatment of cancer is best illustrated by the spectacular results obtained in previously incurable malignancies, such as metastatic melanoma. However, the widespread use of these therapies has been hindered by their limited effectiveness and associated toxicities. A better understanding on the complex interactions between tumor cells and the immune system is strictly required to address these problems, and to develop more effective and safer immunotherapies. However, one of the most important obstacles in immuno-oncology research is the scarcity of preclinical models that faithfully recapitulate human immunity and contribute to identify novel therapeutic targets, characterize biomarkers of therapeutic response and toxicity, and generate reliable data on drug synergies. IMMUNO-model will bring together European researchers from diverse sectors (academia, clinical, industry) with the common goal of establishing a Network that endorses immuno-oncology research by specifically promoting the sharing, standardization and application of immunotherapy preclinical models.

Myokines and metabolically active molecules in the pathogenesis of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies

Myokíny a metabolicky aktívne molekuly v patogenéze idiopatických zápalových myopatií

Duration: 1.5.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: Other
Project leader: prof. MUDr. Ukropcová Barbara PhD.

Comparison of molecular and behavioral consequences of altered brain development in two models of autism.

Porovnanie molekulárnych a behaviorálnych dôsledkov abnormálneho vývinu mozgu v dvoch modeloch autizmu.

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2024
Program: Mobility
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Bakoš Ján PhD.

The potential protective role of siponimod in neurodegeneration/spinal cord injury.

Potenciálna protektívna úloha siponimodu v neurodegenerácii/poškodení miechy.

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2024
Program: Mobility
Project leader: RNDr. Kisucká Alexandra PhD.

Precision medicine in biliary tract cancer

Presná medicína pri rakovine žlčových ciest

Duration: 9.10.2023 - 8.10.2027
Program: COST
Project leader: RNDr. Jurkovičová Dana PhD.

Prevention, anticipation and mitigation of tick-borne disease risk applying the DAMA protocol

Prevencia, predvídanie a zmierňovanie rizika ochorenia prenášaného kliešťami pomocou protokolu DAMA

Duration: 18.10.2022 - 17.10.2026
Program: COST
Project leader: Mgr. Minichová Lenka PhD.
Annotation:Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) represent a national security threat for every country, exacerbated by climate change, human population expansion, urbanization, and globalization. Based on theoretical expectations previously EIDs were thought to be rare and impossible to anticipate because they require novel genetic mutations to infect novel hosts. A new conceptual framework has been developing for nearly 40 years and has recently been articulated in a manner that leads directly to a protocol for taking proactive or anticipatory steps in coping with EIDs, especially those numerous high probability/low impact pathogens. The framework is called the Stockholm paradigm, which shows that a major trigger of emerging disease, now and in the past, has been climate change. The PRAGMATICK COST action aims to disseminate knowledge and promote the application of the Stockholm paradigm in order to anticipate and mitigate disease risk associated with the presence and spread of ticks and tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) under anthropogenic pressure and changing climate. This research network will apply the comprehensive and highly focused DAMA (Document, Assess, Monitor, Act) protocol that allows to “anticipate to mitigate” emerging diseases. The main focus is on urban tick and TBP hotspots and the spread and establishment of ticks and TBPs. PRAGMATICK will find new ticks and tick-borne pathogens before they find us. By applying citizen science and supporting capacity building in the domain of tick and tick-borne disease prevention, the Action will eventually lead to new and improved insights in the potential threats related to this important group of vectors across Europe.

Prevention, anticipation and mitigation of tick-borne disease risk applying the DAMA protocol

Prevencia, predvídanie a zmierňovanie rizika ochorenia prenášaného kliešťami pomocou protokolu DAMA

Duration: 18.10.2022 - 17.10.2026
Program: COST
Project leader: Mgr. Špitalská Eva PhD.
Annotation:Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) represent a national security threat for every country, exacerbated by climate change, human population expansion, urbanization, and globalization. Based on theoretical expectations previously EIDs were thought to be rare and impossible to anticipate because they require novel genetic mutations to infect novel hosts. A new conceptual framework has been developing for nearly 40 years and has recently been articulated in a manner that leads directly to a protocol for taking proactive or anticipatory steps in coping with EIDs, especially those numerous high probability/low impact pathogens. The framework is called the Stockholm paradigm, which shows that a major trigger of emerging disease, now and in the past, has been climate change. The PRAGMATICK COST action aims to disseminate knowledge and promote the application of the Stockholm paradigm in order to anticipate and mitigate disease risk associated with the presence and spread of ticks and tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) under anthropogenic pressure and changing climate. This research network will apply the comprehensive and highly focused DAMA (Document, Assess, Monitor, Act) protocol that allows to “anticipate to mitigate” emerging diseases. The main focus is on urban tick and TBP hotspots and the spread and establishment of ticks and TBPs. PRAGMATICK will find new ticks and tick-borne pathogens before they find us. By applying citizen science and supporting capacity building in the domain of tick and tick-borne disease prevention, the Action will eventually lead to new and improved insights in the potential threats related to this important group of vectors across Europe.

Role of the CA IX ectodomain in tumor growth and metastasis

Úloha ektodomény CA IX v nádorovom raste a metastázovaní

Duration: 11.11.2014 - 31.12.2024
Program: Other
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Pastoreková Silvia DrSc.
Annotation:This project is aimed at understanding the role of the CA IX ECD in tumor growth and metastasis in vivo using mouse models. We intend to evaluate growth of tumor xenografts (following subcutaneous implantation of tumor cells) and colonization of lungs (following injection of tumor cells into the tail vein) in absence and presence of the recombinant CA IX ECD. In addition, we plan to evaluate potential therapeutic targeting of CA IX ECD through analysis of the anticancer effect of antibodies binding to different regions of the ectodomain, including M75 and VII/20. Particularly M75 is of great interest, because the N-terminal PG region, to which M75 binds, was recently found to be involved in cell adhesion and spreading, the processes contributing to metastatic dissemination. On the other hand, MAb VII/20 binds to the central CA catalytic domain and was previously shown to reduce the growth of primary tumors, but its effect on metastasis has not been examined so far. Thus, we expect that the project will allow us to dissect the role of ECD in metastasis and propose antibody-based therapeutic strategies to reduce metastatic growth.

The role of Adipose tissue and muscle crosstalk in the regulation of METabolic flexibility: exploration of novel predictors of the lifestyle Intervention Success in patients with obesity

Úloha tukového tkaniva a svalov v regulácii metabolickej flexibility: Skúmanie nových prediktorov úspešnej intervencie do životného štýlu obéznych pacientov

Duration: 1.5.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: Other
Project leader: prof. MUDr. Ukropcová Barbara PhD.

Early detection of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma with the Cytosponge coupled with molecular biomarkers and machine learning

Včasná detekcia spinocelulárneho karcinómu pažeráka pomocou Cytosponge v spojení s molekulárnymi biomarkermi a strojovým učením

Duration: 1.9.2023 - 31.8.2026
Program: ERANET
Project leader: Ing. Karhánek Miloslav PhD.

Wildlife Malaria Network

Výskum malárie voľne žijúcich zvierat

Duration: 28.9.2023 - 27.9.2027
Program: COST
Project leader: Mgr. Minichová Lenka PhD.
Annotation:Vector-borne diseases, and emerging infectious diseases of wildlife, are major contributors to the global disease burden and of increasing concern globally. Haemosporidian parasites are ubiquitous in nature, hugely diverse, and associated with morbidity and mortality across taxa, including humans, livestock and wildlife. Many research groups globally focus on these parasites as model systems for addressing a broad range of ecological and evolutionary questions with economic and health implications. This Action will bring together individuals and research groups to focus on coordinating research objectives to which multiple groups can contribute existing datasets, meaning that questions can be addressed at a global, rather than a local or regional, scale. Ornithologists, mammologists and herpetologists have a long history of investigating haemosporidian parasites in natural populations; these studies have provided insights into host-parasite associations, parasite geographic distributions, host-switching and the context-dependence of host-parasite relationships, alongside pathogenic impacts and conservation implications of haemosporidian infections. Increasingly, research groups are investigating the vectors of these parasites, and utilising novel genetic techniques to understand parasite gene expression, among many other examples. Coordinating and sharing research efforts between groups offers huge potential for large-scale collaborative research initiatives. This Action will promote the development of a common research agenda by providing opportunities for training, collaboration and knowledge exchange, targeting diverse researchers across disciplines to foster an interdisciplinary approach, whilst also recruiting and supporting a diversity of new researchers. The Action will target stakeholders, policymakers and the general public to endorse knowledge transfer and maximise the reach of the network.

The importance of brain-gut interaction in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder based upon preclinical studies

Význam interakcie mozog-črevo pri rozvoji posttraumatickej stresovej poruchy na základe predklinických štúdií

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2024
Program: Mobility
Project leader: prof. PharmDr. Ježová Daniela DrSc.

The total number of projects: 24