The current level of development of Research Infrastructure in the Slovak Academy of Sciences (RI SAS) is enabling participation in, and the start of activities leading to becoming part of, supranational and European research space in terms of research arrangements.
This infrastructure constitutes
CO SAS - Computing Centre – Slovak infrastructure for high-performance computing
Since 2015 it has been a member of PRACE - The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe - in the context of the structures of ESFRI, which provide new research infrastructure (RI) of pan-European interest, corresponding to long-term requirements of European research communities, including all scientific areas regardless of location.
In this way the SAS takes its place among the EU's notable computer workplaces as a virtual centre for computer modelling and simulation in technologies related to physical chemistry, biology and materials science. At the same time, the Centre's workplaces function as training places at the level of H2020 PRACE-4IPprojects.
The National Network of Seismic Stations (NNSS SR), Earth Science Institute of the SAS
In 2015 the Memorandum CE3RN (Central and Eastern European Earthquake Research Network) was signed to secure status for entry into H2020 and ERI between the SAS Earth Sciences Institute and CE3RN members from 7 EU countries.
Since 2015 there has been the preparation of a memorandum for the Slovak Republic (SR) and SAS, through the National Network of Seismic Stations (NSSS SR), to join EPOS - the European Plate Observing System - within ESFRI structures (the European Plate Observing System is planned infrastructure for research in the field of earth sciences, integrating existing structures for innovative multidisciplinary research into the earth).
The NSSS SR is now a member of these European groups:
The ORFEUS - Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology - data centre, interconnected with Incorporated Research Institutions For Seismology – IRIS,
ISC - International Seismological Centre
EMSC-CSEM - European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre
ALP-Array – a project of European significance, a network of seismic monitoring stations on the territory of four European states.
The Collections and Taxonomic Stores, Institute of Botany
These, together with other Slovak workplaces, form the Slovak NATAF (National Taxonomic Facility), which since 2010 has been part of the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF).
EUCOLL - the European Science Collection Infrastructure - has been in preparation with the aim of being a world-standard collections store.
EUCOLL is designed to integrate all collections (related to both the geosphere and the biosphere) with the utilization of progressive digital and genomic technologies, with the aim of revolutionizing their use within the European research space.
The Slovak Archive of Social Data, Institute for Sociology
The Archive arose from the need to create, in accordance with international standards of systematization methods, the processing of data with the documentation of empirical sociological research in electronic and printed form. The Slovak Archive of Social Data (SASD) has been a member of CESSDA - Cthe Council of European Social Science Data Archives - since 2013. CESSDA is an umbrella organization for social science data archives in Europe.
Currently this organization is undergoing a transformational process to become the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CESSDA ERIC).
The European Archive of Virus Strains, Institute of Virology SAS
This is a project of European significance for the study of viruses and the provision of their archiving. Currently we are registering an expansion of European research capacity in this area as a reaction to new viruses, mainly in connection with securing diagnostics, therapies and the safety of humans and animals, and controls in the face of epidemics and pathogenic changes.
It is planned to join the structures of ESFRI / BBMRI ERIC.
The Yeast Culture Collection, Institute of Chemistry SAS
The Collection contains approximately 3,300 yeast strains, among them those important from a medical point of view or of technological significance (mainly beermaking and winemaking yeasts) and yeasts isolated from various natural sources (water, soil, vegetation).
The Collection is a member of the European Culture Collections' Organization (ECCO) amd the World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC), and is a statutory international depository for legally-protected strains.
From complex material of SAS Research Infrastructure there are recommendations for possibilities for the SAS. That is, suitable entities or units which are part of multinational groups or have the opportunity to aspire to multinational or global European network.
The Meteor Data Centre – Astronomical Institute SAS
This is a functional database of observations and records with a worldwide effect and significance as regards service and complementarity.
The Slovak National Corpus – Ludovit Stur Institute of Linguistics Slovak Academy of Sciences
This is a specific collection of language data that has been constructed in electronic form. In the Corpus's data it is possible to locate language information for the purposes of research or education, or other exclusively non-commercial purposes. It cooperates with over 50 national corpuses of Slavonic and other languages.
The Slovak database of the oldest musical transcripts - Cantus Planus in Slovacia - Institute of Musicology SAS
This enables free and universal access to a great number of manuscripts of music notation written before 1600. Its aim is to make accessible the oldest manuscripts and fragmentary sources from Slovakia in the form of a full-text database in English.
It is part of the supranational Cantus INDEX.
Cantus Index is a central catalogue of chant texts and melodies covering a number of European countries and Canada.
ESS ERIC – European Social Survey – Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences
The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically driven cross-national survey that has been conducted across Europe since its establishment in 2001. Every two years, face-to-face interviews are conducted with newly selected, cross-sectional samples. The ESS was awarded European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) status on 30th November 2013. Slovak national team represented by the Institute of Social Sciences CSPS SAS has been coordinating the ESS survey since 2003. Slovakia has been awarded ESS ERIC membership in 2018.
The Director of the ESS ERIC is Professor Rory Fitzgerald and the ESS ERIC Headquarters are located at City, University of London.
The survey measures the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of diverse populations in more than thirty nations. The main aims of the ESS are:
- to chart stability and change in social structure, conditions and attitudes in Europe and to interpret how Europe’s social, political and moral fabric is changing;
- to achieve and spread higher standards of rigour in cross-national research in the social sciences, including for example, questionnaire design and pre-testing, sampling, data collection, reduction of bias and the reliability of questions;
- to introduce soundly-based indicators of national progress, based on citizens’ perceptions and judgements of key aspects of their societies;
- to undertake and facilitate the training of European social researchers in comparative quantitative measurement and analysis;
- to improve the visibility and outreach of data on social change among academics, policy makers and the wider public.
The ESS data is available free of charge for non-commercial use and can be downloaded from this link:
Slovak national page is accessible here: