Asian and African Studies
Article List
Volume 9, 2000, No. 1
ISSN 1335-1257 (print)
ISSN 2585-8793 (online)
- Krupa, V.: In Honour of Professor Ladislav Drozdík. (p. 3)
- Segert, S.: Ugaritic and Classical Arabic. (p. 4)
- Oliverius, J.: Bemerkungen zu zwei autobiographischen Werken von Luwīs ͨAwaḍ. (p. 16)
- Zaborski, A.: Inflected Article in Proto-Arabic and Some Other West Semitic Languages. (p. 24)
- Veselý, R.: Ein Briefwechsel zwischen Ägypten und den Qaramaniden im 14. Jahrhundert. (p. 36)
- Pauliny, J.: Über die Basarlachkultur in 1001 Nacht. (p. 45)
- Sami, H.: An Anonymous Andalusian Elegy on the War of Granada. (p. 51)
- Kropáček, L.: Quotations in Islamic Culture. (p. 57)
- Gombár, E.: Contemporary Historiography in Syria. (p. 67)
- R. Sorby, K.: Lebanon: The Crisis of 1958. (p. 76)
- Tokluoğlu, C.: The Impact of Resistance on the State-building Process in Turkey. (p. 110)
- Dietrich Michael, H.: Westen - ein gebrochenes Frauenbein. (p. 121)
Review Article
- Gálik, M.: Socrates Arabus: Musings in Greco-Arabian Intellectual History. (p. 139)