Asian and African Studies
Article List
Volume 13, 2004, No. 1
ISSN 1335-1257 (print)
ISSN 2585-8793 (online)
- Sorby Karol, R.: Iraq under the Reign o f Fayṣal II (1953-1958). (p. 1)
- Zouplna, J.: “State-forming Zionism” and the Precedent for Leadership - T. Herzl, V Jabotinsky and D. Ben-Gurion. (p. 28)
- Drozdíková, J.: Impact of a Book. (p. 50)
- Hudec, J.: The Egyptological Collection of the Former Royal Catholic College in Bratislava. (p. 62)
- Deák, D.: A Dark Age in Medieval Maharashtra? An Essay in Interreligious Understanding. (p. 73)
- Rumánek Ivan, R.: Phonetic Fusions in Japanese. (p. 81)
- Rácová, A.: On the Possessive Form with the Affix -ker- in Romani. (p. 104)
Book Reviews
- Slobodník, M.: Shen Weirong. Leben und historische Bedeutung des ersten Dalai Lama dGe dun grub pa dpal bzang po (1391-1474). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der dGe lugs pa-Schule und der Institution der Dalai Lamas.. (p. 114)
- Drozdík, L.: Zhamkotchian, A.S. Vnov identifitsirovannye i neopublikovannye fragmenty arabskix versiy Samaritanskogo Pyatiknizhiyaiz sobraniya Rossiyskoi natsionalnoi biblioteki - SPb.. (p. 116)