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Výstava Geoparky SR – ochrana neživej prírody a podpora cestovného ruchu v areáli SAV v Bratislave na Patrónke

European Geoparks week at SAS

3. 6. 2019 | 1066 visits
The Slovak Environmental Agency (SEA), in cooperation with the SAS Earth Science Institute, participated in European Geoparks Week. Together they prepared the III Geoparks of the Slovak Republic - protection of uninhabited nature and the promotion of tourism (výstavy Geoparky SR – ochrana neživej prírody a podpora cestovného ruchu) exhibition at the premises of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The work is available to view until June 7th in the lobby of Aula SAS and the SAS canteen at the Patrónka premises in Bratislava.
The exhibition is focused not only on the presentation and promotion of operated geoparks holding the Geopark SR title, but also on territories with the potential to become a Slovak Geopark. In addition to information panels on Geoparks, numerous accompanying materials are also available for visitors.
Text and photo: Stanislav Jeleň, Ján Madarás, SAS Institute of Earth Science