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Stretnutie predstaviteľov TUBITAKu a SAV v Turecku.

Slovak and Turkish scientists work together on major projects

12. 11. 2017 | 1502 visits
Biochemistry, Neurobiology, Pharmacology or Physics - scientists from the Slovak Academy of Sciences are working together with experts from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) in these areas too. 28 joint projects have also been part of the COST, Horizon 2020 or UNESCO schemes due to this cooperation, and have found a way to efficiently finance them. The President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Pavol Šajgalík, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation for the next year with Turkish partners to bring forward calls for two new projects.
"This cooperation is extremely useful for the Slovak Academy of Sciences. From the beginning, we have been able to learn a lot from our partners, but we also contributed to our potential for our Turkish partner to see us as a solid player in the field of European research. These days, there is an on-going call to submit further research projects for 2018-2021, and this workshop in Gebze, Istanbul, is an opportunity for our other scientists to become involved in the near future, "said the President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Pavol Šajgalík
Slovak and Turkish academics have been cooperating intensively since 2010. This cooperation was initiated by the Consul General of the Slovak Republic in Istanbul, Jozef Šesták. Every year, both sides confirm their cooperation by signing a Memorandum of Cooperation which is the basis for continuation of research on individual projects.
Monika Hucáková