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M. Szabó sa k SASPRU dostal cez kolegu.

Comparison of anti-Semitism in Austria and Slovakia

11. 2. 2018 | 1541 visits
The somewhat shabby office of the SAV Historic Institute with four desks does not appear at first glance to be a haven of big analytical thought and it does not have to. Miloslav Szabó, PhD. has it all in his head. He is part of a group of scientists included in the SASPRO program, which was created at SAS on the basis of a project co-financed by the European Union under the 7th Framework Program, Marie Curie Actions - People Schemes.
"I went to SASPRU through a colleague with whom I had a lecture for doctoral students. Thanks to him, I learned about the call which helped implement my project to compare the development of anti-Semitism on the territory of Slovakia and Austria during the inter-war period, "Miloslav Szabó explains. He got into the topic at international seminars in Vienna, Berlin and Prague. There he started to work more intensively in the area, before fully concentrating on the topic at Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies from October 2013 to August 2014.
"In our area, there are not a lot of similar comparisons from two countries, where history is concerned". It's challenging, you need to take into account national contexts, find common ground, and compare the meaningful aspects. The topic of anti-Semitism in Austria and Slovakia is incomparable at first glance. Austria is considered in the negative sense since the 19th century as an anti-Semitism laboratory whereas Slovakia, beginning with the Hungarian region, was unchartered territory. However, it has been confirmed that anti-Semitic sentiment also emerged among our nations. Miloslav Szabó delves into this topic in the publication “From Words to Action. Slovak National Movement and Anti-Semitism, 1875-1922 (Od slov k činom. Slovenské národné hnutie a antisemitizmus, 1875 – 1922), published by Kaligram.
Even in Austria, despite many studies on this problematic issue, ambiguous attitudes are emerging in research and new findings. "It is not possible to cover everything. I'm trying to find aspects that will have a great deal of notable value. I have been looking for anti-Semitism in an academic environment that has been hinged on Austria's anti-Semitism. Similarly, political Catholicism, and the third aspect of my exploration, I focus on the polarization of the right and the left, and the naming and use of "Jewish Bolshevism."

After a few minutes, it is clear that Miloslav Szabó is up to his eyes in this topic. And it is equally clear that he will not move out of the area even after his work for SASPRO is complete. While opening up new topics, exploring the development of anti-Semitism has already had much time and effort devoted to it. In addition, this is a current topic. For example, according to Johannes Due Enstad of the Norwegian Holocaust Studies Center at Oslo University, almost 50 percent of French Jews are considering emigration because they feel threatened in their own country. In Germany, this is 25 percent, in Sweden and the United Kingdom 20 percent. This will explain the partial studies by Miloslav Szabas on anti-Semitism in Austria and Slovakia during the inter-war period featuring in the most prestigious British modern history magazine of the 20th century.
Photo: author