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V átriu Filozofickej fakulty UK počas prestávok letnej školy SAS: rozhovory medzi účstníkmi, aj pre médiá.

Etymology (not only) for Slovak lecturers from around the world

17. 8. 2016 | 1625 visits
The organizers of the Summer School Studia Academica Slovaca of the Faculty of Philosophy CU invited Mgr. Lubor Kralik, CSc. from Ludovit Stur Institute of Linguistics SAS to have a lecture about current scientific programs and publications of the Institute. Lubor Kralik is the President of the Scientific Council JÚĽŠ SAS and author of the Concise etymological dictionary of Slovak language. Presentation was part of program during specialized two-day expert-methodical seminar for lecturers of Slovak language and culture (16th-17th August 2016).

There are currently 23 active lectorates of Slovak language in the world (Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Great Britain, France, Germany and other European countries as well as China and the USA) and their students are preparing not only to the path of translators or journalists, but also to carrier in diplomatic and bussines matters.
Lubor Kralik firstly presented a brief overview of this year's scientific, anthologic and dictionary production of Ludovit Stur Institute of Linguistics SAS. Then he explained the importance of the linguistic dictionaries issuing even in the time of the accessibility of electronic language corpora and thesauri, not only for scientists and educators, but also for experts from science and technology fields.
The 52nd edition of the Summer School of the Slovak language and culture Studia Academica Slovaca had this year 153 participants from 33 countries. During the three weeks of August they have a program compiled according their level of the Slovak language and areas of interest.

Ľubica Suballyová