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Profesorka Marja Makarow (v strede) na rokovaní s predstaviteľmi SAV. Vľavo členka Predsedníctva SAV a predsedníčka Akreditačnej komisie SAV Ing. Mária Omastová, DrSc., vpravo podpredsedníčka SAV pre výskum RNDr. Eva Majková, DrSc.

Professor Marja Makarow visited SAS

9. 2. 2016 | 2023 visits
Institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences are expecting accreditation in 2016. It will be realized by a panel of international experts headed by the Vice-President of the Finnish Academy of Sciences Marja Makarow. The purpose of the accreditation is to identify excellent workplaces in the SAS. The ambition is also to encourage the development of progressive research topics according to the remarks and the highlighted weak areas.
An independent view from the outer environment should increase the credit of the Academy in the domestic and international context.
At a meeting with the Presidium of SAS on February 8, 2016 at the headquarters of the SAS Presidium, Finnish scientist Marja Makarow discussed the preliminary aspects of cooperation.
„I am honored to be the head of the evaluation committee. This is my first meeting with the Presidium of Slovak Academy of Sciences, where we discussed the basic issues of the forthcoming evaluating process,” said Marja Makarow.
She also expressed confidence that if the results of the audit will contribute to an increased quality of research in the individual institutions of SAS, it will bring a positive effect not only for the academy, but also for the national research space and for the innovative and research space of European Union as well.
The primary background material for the evaluation will consist of questionnaires from particular institutes, which will be available to the panel of international experts. On this basis, experts will draft the proposals of evaluation during the summer. Afterwards, they will visit particular institutes in person.
„We expect to get the final evaluation from the panel of experts in the middle of December this year,” said the president of the Slovak Academy of Sciences prof. RNDr. Pavol Šajgalík, DrSc. President's most expected part of evaluation is the report of recommendations to fulfill the ambitions of SAS to strengthen its position in the European Research Area.
„I definitely do not expect an earthquake in SAS on the basis of this evaluation. I consider it as a beginning of the route that we should prepare for. The journey to follow our goals is still in front of us,” added the president of SAS Pavol Šajgalík.