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Slávnostný moment prestrihnutia pásky (zľava): generálny riaditeľ Sekcie vysokých škôl, vedy a výskumu MŠVVaŠ SR prof. Ing. Peter Plavčan, CSc., splnomocnenec vlády SR pre výskum a inovácie prof. RNDr. Jaromír Pastorek, DrSc., predseda SAV prof. RNDr. Pavol Šajgalík, DrSc. a  riaditeľ Úradu BSK, lekár samosprávneho kraja Bratislavy MUDr. Valerián Potičný, MPH.

University Science Park for Biomedicine

15. 12. 2015 | 3282 visits
On Tuesday 15 December, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held to officially open a new University Science Park for Biomedicine in the premises of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, Dúbravská Road. The President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Prof. Pavol Šajgalík, the SR Government Plenipotentiary for Research and Innovation, Prof. Jaromír Pastorek, and the General Director of Higher Education, Science and Research at the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, Prof. Peter Plavčan, took part in the public ceremony conducted to celebrate the opening of the new Science Park.
"The University Science Park for Biomedicine was established thanks to the money drawn from EU structural funds. This BioMedPark, as it is termed among the academic scholars, is unique. Its area comprises more than eighteen thousand square meters. It means it is a space designed for more than five hundred employees from the different science institutes and other institutions cooperating with university partners," said Prof. Pavol Šajgalík at the public ceremony held to welcome the new Science Park. "BioMedPark covers many research interest areas. I hope it will be of significant benefit not only to science itself but it will also make a valuable contribution to society and the health of Slovak citizens." Prof. Jaromír Pastorek mentioned incentives leading to the establishment of the University Science Park: "The idea originated when we started drawing money from EU funds during the programming period 2007-2013. The condition before was alarming as we used to buy expensive top-of-the-range devices for our old buildings. Searching for funds for the construction of a new integrated centre instead of the reconstruction of old buildings seemed to be a better solution. We managed to implement a concept which enabled the construction of university science parks. At the start of the project it was difficult, the preparation was long but we were successful in the end." The new University Park will make use of the existing equipment infrastructure and, especially, the concentration of human research potential. Scientific research includes three areas of research; basic research, clinical research and translational/applied research. The connection of these three segments brings better diagnostics, using molecular-based techniques, and it leads to the development of new therapies. The new University Science Park will become the workplace for scientists from the SAS as well as research teams from Comenius University in Bratislava and the University of Economics in Bratislava.

More than € 33.6 million, out of the total cost of the project, was drawn from EU structural funds within the framework of the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovations. The rest of the money was drawn from the state budget. It took twenty-seven months to build the new University Science Park.