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Kórejská delegácia na Elektrotechnickom ústave SAV s jeho riaditeľom RNDr. Vladimírom Cambelom, DrSc..

SAS is strengthening cooperation with Korea

19. 10. 2016 | 1569 visits
The two-day scientific meeting with the Korean delegation in Bratislava ended yesterday. It´s goal was development of the scientific cooperation between the Slovak Republic and South Korea.
Nine members of Korean delegation attended two parallel meetings in Bratislava. Meeting, which took place at the political level in cooperation with the Ministry of Education Science Research and Sport, was attended by the Joint Commission of the Visegrad Group and South Korea. Representatives of both countries met in the conference room of the ministry´s Division of Science and Technology on Lamačská cesta in Bratislava, where all participants presented their institutions and opportunities for cooperation. SAS and its ongoing international projects were presented by its scientific secretary PhDr. Dušan Gálik, CSc.
Parallel event was a workshop at the Sheraton Hotel, which follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Korean Institute for Materials Research (KIMS), which was signed last year in December.
"During the workshop, which was at the high level of expertise, we defined our common themes. Then we will try to present them as a joint project between KIMS and SAS," said President of SAS prof. Pavol Šajgalík. The Korean delegation also visited the Pavilion of Materials Science of Slovak Academy of Sciences and Institute of Electrical Engineering SAS and its laboratories. /zv/