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„Kick off meeting sa spravidla koná na začiatku projektov, použili sme tento termín prenesene, lebo my v Promatechu začíname už pracovať,“ začal prezentáciu jedného z veľkých projektov SAV, vedúci nového výskumného centra PROMATECH, Ján Dusza z ÚMV SAV.

I am here, I am PROMATECH

21. 4. 2016 | 2117 visits
A kick-off meeting entitled "I am here, I am PROMATECH" was held on 19 April 2016 for the Research Centre of Advanced Materials and Technologies for Current and Future Applications (PROMATECH) in Košice.

"I will be very glad if this Research Centre can bring together scientific excellence with the needs of industry," said Prof. Pavol Šajgalík, the President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of PROMATECH, in his opening address. His wish was for the Centre to achieve good results in uniting three preconditions for successful operations - technology, people and sources.
The newly-built Research Centre was introduced by its President, Prof. Ján Dusza from the SAS Institute of Materials Research and also a member of the Presidium of the SAS. "We have managed to integrate activities, structures, workplaces and capacities and so build one strong team whose job is to work on multiple technologies for different areas, from the automotive industry to medicine. I see this as one of the most significant benefits of PROMATECH, he said. He listed many advantages of the 22-million-Euro project and stressed the fact that, thanks to the project's implementation, more than fifty publications in scientific journals and five patent applications, among other things, had already been created.
New laboratories at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (PJŠU) in Košice were introduced by its Rector, Prof. Pavol Sovák. "The creation of the Centre indicates the importance of cooperation between academia and industry in the area of research. Last but not least, it is an important step towards the scientific and industrial development of the city and a step closer to transforming Košice into a Science City," he stressed. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was part of the kick-off meeting, as well as a tour of the new laboratories in the premises of the Physics Institute of the PJŠU Faculty of Science in Park Angelinum Street, Košice.
The representatives of similar centres, Prof. Marek Przybylski from Cracow, and Prof. János Szépvolgyi and Prof. László Nádai, both from Budapest, participated in the event as well. The project's prospects and sustainability are also guaranteed by the PROMATECH Consortium, which was established through an agreement of association of 30 November 2015. Its members are as follows: the SAS - the beneficiary - and the SAS Institute of Materials Research, the SAS Institute of Experimental Physics, the SAS Institute of Geotechnics, the SAS Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, the PJŠU and the Technical University of Košice - the partners of the project.

Text and photo:
Katarína Čižmáriková