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Dr. Brian P. Looney, americký stážista na pracovisku INRA Nancy (Francúzsko) prezentuje pozíciu študovaného druhu rodu Russula vo fylogenetickom strome. Brian sa venuje okrem iného aj štúdiu mykorízy a analýzam genómu tohto rodu./ Brian Looney (INRA Nancy, France) showing his nominate species from the lineage of R. subtilis (Lilaceinae).

Report: Russula workshop on microscopy “Quest for a globally comprehensible Russula language”

8. 3. 2018 | 1569 visits
The workshop program, place and personal participations happened according to plan with some small modifications. It started 23. February and ended 28. February 2018 in the building of Centre of Sciences in Banská Bystrica in Central Slovakia, as planned. It was organised by Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia. In total 15 mycologists with interest in Russula diversity participated. Unfortunately, Dr. Malka Saba from Pakistan did not receive a travel Visa in time. She was replaced by Adriana Corrales, who finely found funding and support to travel. The participants currently work on Russula diversity on almost all continents and they come with species from: Tero Taipale and Ville Kälviäinen with Scandinavian species; Ruben de Lange, Felix Hampe and Cathrin Manz with russulas from Thailand; Komsit Wisitrassameewong and Hyun Lee with South Korean species; Aniket Ghosh with Indian; Adrianna Corrales with collections from Panama; Magdalena Barajas and Brian Looney with collections from USA; Slavomír Adamčík and Bart Buyck with Mexican species; Miroslav Caboň and Soňa Jančovičová with Tasmanian russulas. Every day, program started with presentations prepared by S. Adamčík and B. Buyck explaining what is important for Russula systematics, comparing different approaches in the current literature and explaining different techniques and morphological characters. T. Taipale presented techniques for spore photography and B. Buyck demonstrated significance of some morphological characters for higher-rank Russula taxonomy. Workshop started also with short presentations of each participants showing story of each nominate species intended to be described as new. Participants altogether agreed upon a common terminology, list of essential characters, chemical reagents and measurements. They prepared and tested measurement tables and description templates. The theoretical part was every day followed by practice on 9 microscopes equipped with cameras connected to computer with measuring software, drawing attachments and a digital projector. At the last day of the workshop participants presented their observations, measurements and completed description templates. We encountered a rapid exchange of information and technical skills and now we seek to finalize this unique project by one-style Russula descriptions in one paper prepared by participants from distant countries!

Slavomír Adamčík, Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre SAS

Photo: author