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Tím špecialistov medzinárodného konzorcia NEURON ERA Net II.

Experts on multiple sclerosis in the Biomedical Research Center SAS

13. 4. 2016 | 1765 visits
First meeting of members of the international consortium NEURON ERA Net II was held on Monday, April 11, 2016 in the Pavilion of medical sciences BMC SAS in Bratislava. Consortium is dedicated to the research of neurological diseases.

Research group led by MUDr. Richard Imrich, DrSc. and MUDr. Adela Penesová, PhD. from Biomedical Research Center SAS (Institute of Experimental Endocrinology SAS) is part of the consortium form 2015. After the meeting the seminar for the public was held in the conference room, where specialists presented the latest trends in research of multiple sclerosis. Seminar was attended mostly by students and young scientists.

The aim of the meeting was to set up cooperation within the consortium. „Different groups of scientists met here. Some of them are working on animal models and some are doing research on humans. We are trying to find common points through which we can collaborate and link our scientific questions,“ said the member of the consortium Adela Penesová.

NEURON ERA-NET II MEchanisms of Lymphocytes TRansmigration Across the Blood Brain Barrier focuses on research of understanding the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. It could bring more light into the disease, which triggers are still unknown and clarify the mechanisms during the relapse and remission of the illness.

This international project is coordinated by prof. Ari Waisman from Mainz (Germany). Other members of the consortium are: prof. Roland Liblau from Toulouse (France), prof. Alexandre Prat from Montreal (Canada), prof. Hans Lassmann from Vienna and prof. Alexander Flügel from Göttingen (Germany). Slovak team has joined the consortium last year and from the August it is an active member. The project will run until 2018.

Zuzana Vitková
Photo: Tomáš Jakubík