Asian and African Studies
Zoznam článkov
Volume 23, 2014, No. 1
ISSN 1335-1257 (print)
ISSN 2585-8793 (online)
- Rácová, A.: Ideophones in Bengali. (s. 1)
- Kinkley, J.: English Translations of Shen Congwen’s Masterwork, Bian Cheng (Border Town). (s. 37)
- Gálik, M.: My Journey through Sixty Years of International Literary Sinology (1953 – 2012). (s. 60)
- Shaukenov, A.: Administrative and Territorial Changes and Legal Reforms in the Kazakh Steppe in the 19th Century. (s. 89)
- Andrason, A.: A Contribution to Mandinka Dialectology – Basse Mandinka versus Standard Gambian Mandinka. (s. 110)
- Magdolen, D.: The Ancient Egyptian Coffin in the Slovak National Museum: the Distribution of Registers and Inscriptions on the Exterial Surface. (s. 140)
- Beška, E.: Arabic Translations of Writings on Zionism Published in Palestine before the First World War. (s. 154)
- Kobzošová, K.: Traces of the Thousand and One Nights in Tawfīq al-Ḥakīm’s Works. (s. 173)
- R. Sorby, K.: GOMBÁR, Eduard, PECHA, Lukáš: Dějiny Iráku. [The History of Iraq]. (s. 192)
- Gombár, E.: SORBY, Karol R. Arabský východ, 1918 – 1945. [The Arab East, 1918 – 1945]. (s. 195)