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In: Geologica Carpathica, vol. 52, no. 3
Alexandra Olshtynska
Rok, strany: 2001, 173 - 181
Jazyk: eng
O článku:
The diatom flora from the Miocene deposits of Ukraine was studied. Diatom zonation for the Early Miocene to Late Miocene is proposed. The first and last occurrences of diatoms, mass development of taxa, and level of reconstruction of the diatom association have been useful. The following diatom zones and beds with diatoms are defined: Craspedodiscus elegans–Cavitatus jouseanus in deposits of Batisiphonova Formation; Delphineis subtilissima in Korolevsky Beds; Lancineis parilis in the upper part of Balichska Formation, Actinocyclus ingens in Kartvel Beds and in the deposits of Tereblianska Formation; Anaulus mediterraneus in Kosovska Formation; Navicula pinnata in Buglovski and in Baskhevska deposits; Mastogloia szonthaghii-Cymatosira biharensis, Achnanthes baldjikii var. podolica and Navicula zichii in Sarmatian deposits; Thalassiosira delicatissima, Lyrella pigmea, Amphitetras sp., Actinoptychus senarius var. tamanica, Cymatosira savtchenkoi and Rhizosolenia bezrukovii in Meotian deposits; Stephanodiscus proprius-Stephanodiscus multifarius in Pontian. The stratigraphic position of the diatom zones and correlation with calcareous nannofossil zoene are considered.
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ISO 690:
Olshtynska, A. 2001. MIOCENE MARINE DIATOM BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE EASTERN PARATETHYS (UKRAINE). In Geologica Carpathica, vol. 52, no.3, pp. 173-181. 1335-0552.

Olshtynska, A. (2001). MIOCENE MARINE DIATOM BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE EASTERN PARATETHYS (UKRAINE). Geologica Carpathica, 52(3), 173-181. 1335-0552.