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Vedecké časopisy a ročenky vydávané na pôde SAV

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Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal

Domovský ústav: Geografický ústav SAV, v. v. i.

Zoznam čísel
ISSN 0016-7193 (print)
ISSN 2453-8787 (online)

Jazyk: anglický, slovenský, český

Web: http://geograficky-casopis.sav.sk/

Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal – editorial office
Štefánikova 49
814 73 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Msc. Miloš Rusnák, PhD.

MSc. Katarína Rišová, PhD., human geography
Msc. Miloš Rusnák, PhD., physical geography
Ing. Daniel Szatmári, PhD., GIS
MSc. Tomáš Goga, PhD., technical editor
Erika Mészárosová, technical editor

Geografický časopis (Geographical Journal) publishes original and timely scientific articles that advance knowledge in all the fields of geography and significant contributions from the related disciplines. Papers devoted to geographical research of regions and localities (mainly on Slovakia and Central and Eastern Europe) and to theoretical and methodological questions of geography are especially welcome. Papers are written in the English language or occasionally in Slovak language.

Geografický časopis (Geographical Journal) is published quarterly as an Open Access journal. Articles in the Journal are distributed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial License. By submitting an article to the editorial office, the authors accept and agree to respect the terms and conditions of this public license. Published articles or their parts may be reused, provided that the names of the authors are mentioned and will serve only for non-commercial purposes.