Mgr. Dušan Tomko, PhD.

Tatranská Lomnica
059 60 Vysoké Tatry
Slovenská republika
Research Fellow My focus is studying the parent body of a meteoroid stream or a meteor showers. There are 110 known establish meteor showers and 1,211 in total. Among them are more numerous but also less numerous meteor showers. However, for only about 30 showers is known their parent body. The overwhelming majority are the comets. However, the parent body of a meteor shower can also be an asteroid. I have experiences from the obtaining a photometric and a spectroscopic data from 1.3m and 0.61cm telescopes situated at Skalnaté pleso Observatory. I am also one of the members of the technical support for an all-sky bolide cameras belonging to the European Bolide Network managed by the Astronomical Institute AV CR. I found several specimens of Meteorite Košice in 2010. A piece of a meteorite found by me, it is placed in the mineralogical collection of Východoslovenské múzeum in Košice.