Profesijný životopis
RNDr. Galina Jirásková, CSc.
Education1997-1998: PhD student, Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences
1982-1987: Faculty of Sciences, Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia
1978-1982: High School, Kovacska 30, Kosice
1975-1978: Secondary School, Jenisejska 22, Kosice
1970-1975: Primary School, Medzilaborce
Academic degrees
PhD: 1998 Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Ph.D. thesis: Some Properties of Communication Complexity
Supervisor: Juraj Hromkovic
MSc: 1987 Faculty of Sciences, Safarik University, Kosice
Master's thesis: The Complexity of Some Combinatorial Problems (in Slovak)
Supervisor: Peter Mihok (and J. Jirasek)
1999-present: Research worker,
Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice
1997-1998: PhD student, Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences
1989-1996: maternity leave
1987-1989: Research fellowship, Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice
Research interests
communication complexity
state complexity of regular languages
Las Vegas finite automata