Mgr. Július Koza, PhD.

Tatranská Lomnica
059 60 Vysoké Tatry
Slovenská republika
Senior Research Fellow
My research concerns active phenomena in the solar atmosphere focusing on flares, prominences, and spicules. Pertinent observations are acquired by large solar telescopes at Canary Islands and by space instruments. I have research experiences from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and the Astronomical Institute of Utrecht University. I am keeping close collaboration with the Astronomical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences in Ondřejov. At present, I am working on a project involving the Swedish Solar Telescope at La Palma and the space-borne Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph. I am particularly interested about solar flare loops and prominences and their non-LTE modeling, i.e., under departures from local thermodynamic equilibrium. I found nine specimens of Meteorite Košice in 2010. I was a national coordinator of the project Venus Transit of which realization team was rewarded with the Slovak Academy Sciences Award 2005 for popularization.
My research concerns active phenomena in the solar atmosphere focusing on flares, prominences, and spicules. Pertinent observations are acquired by large solar telescopes at Canary Islands and by space instruments. I have research experiences from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and the Astronomical Institute of Utrecht University. I am keeping close collaboration with the Astronomical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences in Ondřejov. At present, I am working on a project involving the Swedish Solar Telescope at La Palma and the space-borne Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph. I am particularly interested about solar flare loops and prominences and their non-LTE modeling, i.e., under departures from local thermodynamic equilibrium. I found nine specimens of Meteorite Košice in 2010. I was a national coordinator of the project Venus Transit of which realization team was rewarded with the Slovak Academy Sciences Award 2005 for popularization.