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Odbor medzinárodnej spolupráce informuje

IS-ENES3 Virtual Spring & Summer Schools on Climate Data Use for Impact Assessments

26. 1. 2021 | videné 557-krát

Odbor medzinárodnej spolupráce informuje o možnosti prihlásiť sa na online kurz organizovaný konzorciom IS-ENES3 na tému "Climate data use for impact assessments".


Obsah kurzu: The course will explain the developments in the European climate model infrastructure and update the participants about the availability of data products and assessment tools. It will also provide insights in do’s and don’ts of impact studies, and discuss the information needs of the participants.

Jarný termín: 2. 3. - 16. 4. 2021

Letný termín: 19. 5. - 25. 6. 2021

Termín na podanie prihlášky je piatok 12. 2. 2021.


Viac informácií možno získať na stránke IS-ENES3: https://is.enes.org/events/trainings-and-education/second-and-third-is-enes3-virtual-school-on-climate-data-use-for-impact-assessments