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EJEA CALL for Abstracts - CONFERENCE in Graz Sept. 20.-21. - DEADLINE April 30. 2019

23. 4. 2019 | videné 362-krát

EIG CONCERT-Japan's recent call for proposals - it is published as today's news on EJEA's website https://ejea.eu/2019/04/18/april-18-2019-eig-concert-japan-call-smart-water-management-for-sustainable-society/

Also the European Japan Experts Association (EJEA) recently launched a call for abstracts for the annual conference Human-Centered Digitalization: How to Develop Next Generation of Humans and Robots for a Secure, Harmonic and Prosperous Future of Europe and Japan? on September 20th (Friday) and 21st (Saturday morning), 2019 in Graz (Austria).

EJEA would appreciate very much if you could forward the attached CALL to related persons in your surrounding and submit an ABSTRACT until April 30. 2019


CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (https://ejea.eu/)

International Conference on

Human-Centered Digitalization:

How to Develop Next Generation of Humans and Robots for a

Secure, Harmonic and Prosperous Future of Europe and Japan?


September 20th (Friday) and 21st (Saturday morning), 2019 in Graz (Austria)

jointly organized by

the European Japan Experts Association, the Graz University of Technology,
the University of Graz and the Institute for Security Development Policy


Submission of your abstract for oral contribution (10 min.) or poster until April 30, 2019.

The conference is held within the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Austria.

Official language of the conference is English.

Number of participants is limited.

The organizers expect your attendance during the whole conference.

Call for Abstracts: Oral Contributions for Workshops

The oral contributions should be no longer than 10 minutes and are presented during parallel sessions of workshops. Currently the following workshops are under discussion:

  1. Establishing digital ethics in Western and Eastern philosophical contexts
  2. New holistic views on digital security – the European and the Japanese approach
  3. Future role of artificial intelligence in Europe and Japan in realizing human-centered digitalization
  4. Innovating digital education and skills in different cultures, on a global scope and in an interdisciplinary context
  5. Forming cooperation of robots and humans in industrial and service sectors: How does the socio-cultural context in Europe and Japan influence technology affinity?
  6. What are the consequences of digitalization for economy, society and job market in Europe and Japan?

Call for Abstracts: Posters

Posters focusing on human-centered digitalization are very welcome, even from a more specific perspective.

Submissions should include:

  • Given name, family name, title, affiliation, URL, email address, phone number
  • Abstract (max. 250 words)
  • Please indicate whether you want to present an oral contribution or a poster

Please submit until April 30, 2019 to:

Executive Manager, European Japan Experts Association, Sabine Ganter-Richter: ejea@ejea.eu

Review Process:

Submissions are reviewed by the Organizing Committee.

Notification by May 31, 2019.

Organizing Committee:

Prof. Dr. Anders Törnvall, European Japan Experts Association, Sweden

Dr. Elisabeth Lex, Graz University of Technology, Austria

Prof. Dr. Dietrich Albert, University of Graz, Austria

Dr. Lars Vargö, Institute for Security and Development Policy, Sweden

Conference fee: 100 Euro regular, 50 Euro student

Further Information:

Numerous conferences, symposia, and workshops on digitalization demonstrate the current hype about this topic. However, these events either focus on a fragmented view on the aspects of digital transformation or only deal with specific aspects of this matter. At first glance, it may seem that digitalization is already covered by those events. Thus, the question of whether there is any need for yet another conference on this topic arises.

     However, this question touches only the surface of the discussion, because it does not take into account the enormous and inadequate fragmentation of the reflections on the one hand and the complexity and interconnectedness of the topics on the other hand.

     Moreover, without addressing the humanistic and ethic parts of the equation - such as digital maturity, digital personality, and digital competence - any attempt of a technical solution to these challenges is futile!

The aim of this year’s conference is to identify ways of safeguarding and maintaining human integrity and human values in the midst of a technological development where their importance continues to fade. While not denying the benefits of technological advancements the organizers of this conference would also like to discuss how to develop the next generations of humans and robots for a secure, trustworthy and prosperous future, not least for Europe and Japan.

     By now the following keynote speakers from Japan and Europe have been invited:

Prof. Dr. Horst Bischof, Vice Rector for Research, Graz University of Technology; Applied Computer

      Science; Member of the European Academy of Sciences; more than 600 scientific papers (confirmed)

Prof. Dr. Mark Coeckelbergh, Philosophy of Media and Technology, University of Vienna; Member of

      European Commission High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (tbc)

Prof. Dr. Arisa Ema, Policy Alternatives Research Institute, The University of Tokyo; Visiting Researcher,

      RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (confirmed)

DDr. Yuko Harayama, Former Executive Member of Council of Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet Office,

      Japan; Elsevier Foundation Board Member (confirmed)

Dr. Fredrik Heintz, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University; Member of the

      European Commission High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (confirmed)

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Lindstaedt, CEO and Scientific Director of Know-Center; Head of Institute of Interactive

      Systems and Data Science, TU Graz; Chairperson of the Advisory Board of the Austrian Digitalization

      Agency (confirmed)