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Call for applications - French grant for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers

4. 10. 2017 | videné 386-krát

I am happy to send you enclosed a nice opportunity that should motivate (we hope) some young Slovak researchers. Indeed, we are offering a grant for doctoral or post-doctoral researchers who want to go to France to do some research activities with French teams (maximal duration: 4 weeks, between 1st November and 20th December). Deadline for submission at CEFRES is 12 October 2017. Applicants have to send

-          their CV (in English),

-          a letter to explain why they want to go to France,

-          and a letter from their French laboratory/institution manager who is inviting them in France.


Could you please forward this call for applications to your contacts and colleagues in the Slovak Academy of Sciences who may be interested and to share it to your usual media of communication?


Don’t hesitate to ask for further information.


Many thanks.

Best regards.


Adèle Picquet

Chargée de mission scientifique et universitaire

Scientific and Higher Education affairs Officer


Institut Français de Bratislava - Ambassade de France en Slovaquie

French Institute of Bratislava – French Embassy in Slovakia

Sedlárska 7 - 812 83 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 (0)259 34 77 42

