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Informal meeting on nanosciences and nanotechnologies

20. 5. 2008 | videné 341-krát
in Bled, Slovenia on June 5-6, 2008

Slovenian EU Presidency is organizing an informal meeting "Action Plan on Nanotechnologies 2005-2009- Interim Report Done: Challanges for next 2 years" at Bled, Slovenia on June 5-6, 2008. The event is dedicated to the Safety and regulatory issues, to the Code of conduct for responsible nanotechnology Research as well as to the Responsible nano code.

Please fill out the registration form and send it to predsedovanje.MVZT@gov.si or by fax: +386 1 478 4719 within May 22, 2008.

This meeting represents a follow-up of the meetings that started several years ago with the adoption of the Commission´s Strategy and Action Plan for nanosciences and nanotechnologies. After the adoption of the Commission´s first Implementation Report last autumn, and its Recommendation for a "Code of conduct for responsible nanosciences and nanotechnologies research" last February, this meeting will be an opportunity to discuss the current status of the implementation as well as future challenges.

Please find attached the following documents:
- Draft agenda
- Draft Programme
- A registration form