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Prof. Bruce A. Chase

Pozvánka na prednášku: The clinical utility of migraine genetic risk scores

12. 5. 2024 | videné 404-krát

Biomedicínske centrum SAV, v. v. i., v rámci programu Mobility Visit Award pozýva na prednáškuThe clinical utility of migraine genetic risk scores, ktorá sa koná 16. mája 2024 o 13.00 hod v Aule SAV na Dúbravskej ceste v Bratislave. Hosťom bude prof. Bruce A. Chase, Department of Biology, University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE and Departments of Neurology & Data Analytics, Northshore University Health System, Skokie, IL, USA. 


Migraine is a common neurological disorder with a worldwide prevalence. It is a complex genetic disorder associated with phenotypic heterogeneity and familial aggregation. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have demonstrated a complex genetic landscape for migraine risk, familial aggregation, and its underlying biological pathways: arterial and smooth muscle function, neuronal function and development, nociception, glutamate and calcium homeostasis, oxidative stress, calcitonin-gene-relatedpeptide, nitric oxide and serotonin signaling, intestinal and musculoskeletal/connective tissue function. A major question is how genetic-risk scores developed from GWAS data are associated with migraine characteristics and treatment response and whether they have, in addition to utility in research, clinical or personalized utility. To address this, we studied the association of migraine features and genetic-risk scores. Individuals with higher genetic risk develop migraine earlier and risk scores are associated with typical characteristics of migraine, but not with severity of migraine symptoms or migraine-related co-morbidities. Hence, higher genetic risk increases susceptibility to develop migraine, but other genetic and non-genetic factors influence the appearance and severity of migraine symptoms. Therefore, predicting treatment outcomes should consider both clinical context and genetic risk.

Pre prípadné stretnutie s prof. Chaseom, prosím, kontaktujte: Dr. Robert Farkaš, ueenfark@savba.sk


Zdroj: Robert Farkaš, Ústav experimentálnej endokrinológie BMC SAV, v. v. i.

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