Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal
Zoznam článkov
Volume 75, 2023, No. 1
ISSN 0016-7193 (print)
ISSN 2453-8787 (online)
- Kyere-Boateng, R. . - Marek , M. V. . - Huba, M. : Understanding local beneficiaries of ecosystem services in the Bia-Tano Forest Reserve for sustainable forest governance. (s. 5)
- Michálek, A. : Vývoj miezd v regiónoch Slovenska počas pandémiee COVID-19. (s. 27)
- Karlík, L. . - Matečný, I. . - Gábor, M. . - Tolmáči, L. - Falťan, V. . : Design of vineyard appellation reflecting natural terroir: A case study of Modra, Slovakia. (s. 47)
- Frličková, B. - Macková, L. - Przetaková, N. : Migration trajectories and aspirations among highly skilled migrants in Czechia. (s. 69)
- Rišová, K. - Sládeková Madajová, M. . : Urban parks as adolescentsʼ favourite places? Analysis of preferences with respect to environmentally responsible behaviour. (s. 85)