Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal
Zoznam článkov
Volume 16, 1964, No. 2
ISSN 0016-7193 (print)
ISSN 2453-8787 (online)
- Mazúr, E. : Intermountain basins — a characteristic element in the relief of Slovakia . (s. 105)
- Lukniš, M. : The course of the Last Glaciation of the Western Carpathians in relation to the Alps, and to the glaciation of Northern Europe . (s. 127)
- Kvitkovič, J. : Concerning the basic geomorphological problems of the East Slovakian Lowland . (s. 143)
- Konček, M. : Sketch of climatic conditions in Slovakia . (s. 160)
- Hraško, J. : Soil map of Slovakia . (s. 185)
- Bedrna, Z. . - Mičian, Ľ. - Tarábek, K. : Some soil – geographical differences between the Danubian and the East Slovakian Lowlands. (s. 195)
- Plesník, P. : Vegetative cover as part of a geographical landcape (on the example of a part of eastern Slovakia). (s. 204)
- Ivanička, K. : Process of industrialization of Slovakia . (s. 215)