World Literature Studies
Zoznam článkov
Volume 13, 2021, No. 3
ISSN 1337-9275 (print)
ISSN 1337-9690 (online)
editoriál / editorial
- Bednárová, K. - Tyšš, I.: Historiography and translation . (s. 3)
- Poulin, I.: Historiographie et traduction ou l’histoire en plus d’une langue. (s. 4)
štúdie / articles
- Woodsworth, J.: The translator as historian. (s. 7)
- Maggi, L.: La traduction des classiques comme historiographie : herméneutique, temporalité, « poièsis.(The translation of classics as historiography: Hermeneutics, temporality, “poièsis”). (s. 19)
- Kupková, I.: The place of the 1958 edition of Andrei Fedorov’s “Introduction to Translation Theory” in the history of translation studies. (s. 31)
- Engelbrecht, W.: Literature translated from Dutch in the Czech publishing house Družstevní práce during the Nazi occupation. (s. 42)
- Regniers, G.: War, peace and Franco-Russian relations: French translations of Tolstoy’s “Sebastopol Sketches” in periodicals (1855–1885). (s. 56)
- Andričík, M.: The long journey of Milton’s “Paradise Lost” into the Slavic world. (s. 68)
- Albrecht, J.: Les « taches blanches » dans la cartographie de la traduction : oeuvres jamais ou peu traduites, traductions sans succe ̀s d’oe uvres prestigieuses.(The “blank spaces” in the cartography of translation: Never or rarely translated works, unsuccessful translations of prestigious works). (s. 81)
- Sidorova, O.: Lost, found, and omitted: Remarks on Russian translations of West European literature. (s. 93)
- Fólica, L.: Digital humanities and big translation history in the Global South: A Latin American perspective. (s. 104)
- Baghiu, Ș.: Quantitative translationscapes and chronological constellations: French, Soviet, and American novels in communist Romania. (s. 117)
diskusia / discussion
- Chevrel, Y.: À propos d’une récente histoire européenne de la traduction.(About a recent European history of translation). (s. 130)
recenzie / book reviews
- Bžoch, A.: THEO D’HAEN (ed.): Dutch and Flemish Literature as World Literature . (s. 137)
- Pi, Q. - Geng, J.: JIANKAI WANG: 中国当代文学作品英译的出版与传播 [Zhōngguó dāngdài wénxué zuòpǐn yīng yì de chūbǎn yǔ chuánbō – A history of publication and traveling of English-translated contemporary Chinese literature]. (s. 142)
- Martinkovič, M.: EDITA GROMOVÁ – NATÁLIA RONDZIKOVÁ – IGOR TYŠŠ (eds.): Archívny výskum (textov) v interdisciplinárnych súvislostiach [Archival research (of texts) in between disciplines] . (s. 145)
- Rybárová, S.: MÁRIA KUSÁ – NATÁLIA RONDZIKOVÁ (eds.): Preklad vo vedách o človeku a dialóg kultúr [Translation of humanities texts and cultural dialogue]. (s. 146)