Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal
Zoznam článkov
Volume 55, 2003, No. 3
ISSN 0016-7193 (print)
ISSN 2453-8787 (online)
- Kocsis, K. : Contributions to the geographical study of minority self-govern-ment in Hungary. (s. 179)
- Kiss, E. : Major changes in Hungarian industry during the period of transition. (s. 193)
- Egedy, T. : Aktuelle sozialstrukturelle Veränderungen in den ungarischen Großwohnsiedlungen. (s. 209)
- Tiner, T. : The Hungarian ISPA strategy for the transport infrastructure and its effects on regional development. (s. 223)
- Urbánek, J. : Geomorfologická mapa ako systém. (s. 235)
- Ružek, I. - Senko, D. : Contribution to the knowledge of the Ronava water reservoir landscape with emphasis on avifauna. (s. 249)