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Methodological aspects of landscape changes detection and analysis in Slovakia applying the CORINE land cover databases

In: Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, vol. 54, no. 3
Ján Feranec - Marcel Šúri - Tomáš Cebecauer - Ján Oťaheľ
Rok, strany: 2002, 271 - 288
Kľúčové slová:
CORINE land cover, land cover change, landscape change, satellite data, the districts of Dunajská Streda, Poprad and Snina
O článku:
The aim of the study is to document the individual steps of methodology of identification and analysis of landscape changes in Slovakia for the years 1976-1992 (applied in the framework of the Phare Topic Link Project on Land Cover) applying the CORINE land cover (CLC) databases and to provide the test results using the example of the districts of Dunajská Streda, Poprad, and Snina. The described methodology is based on the assumption that land cover changes can be used for derivation of landscape changes. The CLC database and satellite images became an important information source, which along with the geoinformation technologies makes it possible to follow the landscape changes on the local and global scales. The result of the methodology tests was creation of a database of land cover changes in Slovakia and definition of the following types of landscape changes: intensification of agriculture, extensification of agriculture, urbanization (industrialization), enlargement (exhaustion) of natural resources, afforestation, deforestation and other. Deforestation (8.6 % of total area of the district of Snina), extensification of agriculture (3.5 % of total area of the district of Snina) and urbanization plus industrialization (3.3 % of total area of the district of Dunajská Streda) are the largest identified changes in terms of area.
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ISO 690:
Feranec, J., Šúri, M., Cebecauer, T., Oťaheľ, J. 2002. Methodological aspects of landscape changes detection and analysis in Slovakia applying the CORINE land cover databases. In Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, vol. 54, no.3, pp. 271-288. 0016-7193.

Feranec, J., Šúri, M., Cebecauer, T., Oťaheľ, J. (2002). Methodological aspects of landscape changes detection and analysis in Slovakia applying the CORINE land cover databases. Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, 54(3), 271-288. 0016-7193.