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Hydrological and geomorphological aspects of different farming practices

In: Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 54, no. 1
Ján Hanušin
Rok, strany: 2002, 85 - 96
Kľúčové slová:
soil loss process, agricultural landscape, collectivization, land use pattern, changes of soil loss process intensity controlled by man
O článku:
The aim of the paper is an attempt to demonstrate the need to reevaluate some simplifying views of the influence collectivization exerted on soil loss processes in agricultural landscape, which indiscriminately suggest the increase of intensity of such processes after collectivisation. Single parameters of soil loss process controlled by man, relevant to land use patterns in the pre- and post-collectivization periods using evaluations of two model territories were analysed. Results of analysis indicate that after collectivization changes of numerous parameters, in spite of prevailing estimates, caused the decrease of soil loss processes on many places. Evaluation of agro-technology from the viewpoint of susceptibility to the soil loss process was also considered. The obtained results revealed that the collectivization process or the method of farming under collectivization can be in no way one-sidedly and indiscriminately blamed of increased rate of the soil loss process in comparison with the pre-collectivisation era. Reliable comparison of the effect of the land use changes on soil loss processes calls for individual approach taking into consideration the particular circumstances in each case.
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ISO 690:
Hanušin, J. 2002. Hydrological and geomorphological aspects of different farming practices. In Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 54, no.1, pp. 85-96. 0016-7193.

Hanušin, J. (2002). Hydrological and geomorphological aspects of different farming practices. Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, 54(1), 85-96. 0016-7193.