In: Studia Politica Slovaca, vol. 2, no. 2
Karol Sorby
Rok, strany: 2009, 29 - 41
Kľúčové slová:
the Soviet-American rivalry in the Middle East; the creation of the UAR; the Lebanese
Crisis of 1958; the overthrow of the Iraqi monarchy; the apogee of „nasserism
O článku:
Faced with relentless US pressure the Syrian Bacth decided that the best policy was a union between Syria and Egypt which would secure Egyptian protection. On 2 February 1958 the Egyptian and Syrian presidents jointly announced the complete merger of their two states into a United Arab Republic. The West and its Arab Allies were predictably hostile and alarmed. In reaction, the Hashemite monarchies of Iraq and Jordan announced their own federal union. From then on events moved swiftly – 1958 was a momentous year for the Middle East. In May the dangerous political polarization in Lebanon developed into a muted civil war. Shortly afterwards, on 14 July the monarchy in Iraq was overthrown by the army. The United States fearing the final collapse of the pro-Western camp in the Middle East landed 10,000 marines in Beirut, while British troops were flown in Jordan. On the other hand, the Egyptian-Syrian unification was viewed with alarm in Moscow, even though Soviet propaganda was initially favourable.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Sorby, K. 2009. Sovietsko-americké súperenie na Blízkom východe koncom 50. rokov 20. storočia. In Studia Politica Slovaca, vol. 2, no.2, pp. 29-41. 1337-8163.
Sorby, K. (2009). Sovietsko-americké súperenie na Blízkom východe koncom 50. rokov 20. storočia. Studia Politica Slovaca, 2(2), 29-41. 1337-8163.