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Suburbanizácia v zázemí Bratislavy z hľadiska analýzy zmien krajinnej pokrývky

In: Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 63, no. 2
Martin Šveda Číslo ORCID
Rok, strany: 2011, 155 - 173
Kľúčové slová:
suburbanization, hinterland of Bratislava, land cover change
O článku:
The suburbanization process in the hinterland of Bratislava has been significantly growing over the last couple of years. The consequences are not only in the redistribution of population but also in the structural changes of the land cover. The forms of land use typical for rural landscape (arable land, pastures and forests) are replaced by areas of urban housing, industrial, commercial and transportation zones. The purpose of this paper is to document the scope and intensity of changes in the land cover structure in the Functional Urban Region of Bratislava by means of CORINE Land Cover database analysis. On the basis of structural changes in the land cover we identify the zone of city core, zone of adjacent outskirts, suburban zone and rural fringe zone which are differently affected by the process of suburbanization.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Šveda, M. 2011. Suburbanizácia v zázemí Bratislavy z hľadiska analýzy zmien krajinnej pokrývky. In Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 63, no.2, pp. 155-173. 0016-7193.

Šveda, M. (2011). Suburbanizácia v zázemí Bratislavy z hľadiska analýzy zmien krajinnej pokrývky. Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, 63(2), 155-173. 0016-7193.