In: Slavica Slovaca, vol. 46, no. 1
Svorad Zavarský
Rok, strany: 2011, 40 - 50
Kľúčové slová:
Slovak Latinity, Lexicon, Neo-Latin, Martin Sentiváni (1633-1705).
O článku:
In this contribution, the author proposes a method of registering the lexicon of Slovak Latinity. He maintains that in the conditions of Slovak philological scholarship the most efficient way of creating a dictionary of Slovak Latinity would be to start with individual authors or with individual works. Only detailed lexical excerpts evaluated within a broader European context can lead to a more comprehensive and more representative lexical corpus of Slovak Latinity in the future. Here, the first part of the author’s excerpts from a work by Martin Sentiváni SJ from 1701 is being published.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Zavarský, S. 2011. Voces locutionesque Latinitatis Slovaciae e litterarum monumentis excerptae I (Príspevok k mapovaniu slovnej zásoby latinskej literatúry slovenskej proveniencie). In Slavica Slovaca, vol. 46, no.1, pp. 40-50. 0037-6787 .
Zavarský, S. (2011). Voces locutionesque Latinitatis Slovaciae e litterarum monumentis excerptae I (Príspevok k mapovaniu slovnej zásoby latinskej literatúry slovenskej proveniencie). Slavica Slovaca, 46(1), 40-50. 0037-6787 .