In: Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 62, no. 4
Vladimír Székely - Daniel Michniak
Rok, strany: 2010, 313 - 328
Kľúčové slová:
rural municipalities, Internet, websites, diffusion of information, Slovakia
O článku:
In Slovakia, there is no central information source concerning the existence of municipal websites that would increase the awareness and information of local inhabitants and form a positive image of the municipality for the potential immigrants, investors and tourists. The primary mapping of rural municipalities with their own website was carried out in March 2006. The second mapping was finished in April 2009. The aim of the paper is to present the results of this mapping and to compare the newly created revised database with that of 2006. Time-spatial analysis describes and explains the process of diffusion of the progressive idea concerning creation of municipality websites as a new form of massmedia communication.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Székely, V., Michniak, D. 2010. Webové stránky vidieckych obcí Slovenska: kvantitatívne zmeny v čase a priestore. In Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 62, no.4, pp. 313-328. 0016-7193.
Székely, V., Michniak, D. (2010). Webové stránky vidieckych obcí Slovenska: kvantitatívne zmeny v čase a priestore. Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, 62(4), 313-328. 0016-7193.