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Protected areas in the context of selected aspects of sustainable development in the Tatra region

In: Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, vol. 60, no. 2
Ján Hanušin - Juraj Beták - Martina Cebecauerová - Anna Grešková - Mikuláš Huba Číslo ORCID - Vladimír Ira - Ján Lacika - Milan Lehotský - Peter Podolák
Rok, strany: 2008, 129 - 148
Kľúčové slová:
sustainable development, protected areas, regional development, landscape connectivity, Tatra region
O článku:
The mission of protected areas is to protect and conserve the most valuable parts of the landscape. The aim of the paper is to identify and analyse the context between the structure of the protected areas system and sustainable development protected areas dimensions (landscape/environmental, social/economic, institutional/manage-rial) in the area studied via selected criteria and indicators. Both – protected areas system and sustainable development concept have their own parameters, qualities, structure, dimensions and they are mutually overlapping in many different aspects. While protected areas are sets of material units with high natural and environmental value which is more or less strictly defined, sustainable development is a partly virtual system of concepts based on various sometimes ambiguous aims and priorities.
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ISO 690:
Hanušin, J., Beták, J., Cebecauerová, M., Grešková, A., Huba, M., Ira, V., Lacika, J., Lehotský, M., Podolák, P. 2008. Protected areas in the context of selected aspects of sustainable development in the Tatra region. In Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, vol. 60, no.2, pp. 129-148. 0016-7193.

Hanušin, J., Beták, J., Cebecauerová, M., Grešková, A., Huba, M., Ira, V., Lacika, J., Lehotský, M., Podolák, P. (2008). Protected areas in the context of selected aspects of sustainable development in the Tatra region. Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, 60(2), 129-148. 0016-7193.