In: Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, vol. 59, no. 1
Anna Grešková - Milan Lehotský - Zuzana Pastuchová
Rok, strany: 2007, 25 - 48
Kľúčové slová:
riverbed morphology, physical habitat, macroinvertebrates
O článku:
The principles of fluvial geomorphology provide a physical template for the landscape perspectives that underpin the ecological integrity of river systems. Two river reaches of the small stream Drietomica about 200 m long in the central part of the Biele Karpaty Mts. were selected for the study. The riverbed habitat structure has been determined under geomorphic units (in the sense of the River Morphology Hierarchical Classification – RMHC) by identification of the flow hydraulics and substrate properties. These variables are integrated as morphohydraulic units – patches of the uniform morphology, hydraulics and substrate. The Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera communities were analysed in relation to the geomorphic, hydraulic and substrate characteristics of the riverbed. In this case study it was confirmed that the directly measured variables – depth, current velocity and substrate grain size together with related variables – flow type, Re and Fr numbers influenced the spatial distribution of macroinvertebrate communities in the studied river reaches.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Grešková, A., Lehotský, M., Pastuchová, Z. 2007. Morfohydraulická štruktúra dna koryta malého vodného toku a spoločenstvá makrozoobentosu. In Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, vol. 59, no.1, pp. 25-48. 0016-7193.
Grešková, A., Lehotský, M., Pastuchová, Z. (2007). Morfohydraulická štruktúra dna koryta malého vodného toku a spoločenstvá makrozoobentosu. Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, 59(1), 25-48. 0016-7193.