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Folklórne hnutie, folklorizmus a nehmotné kultúrne dedičstvo na Slovensku v inštitucionálnom kontexte

In: Etnologické rozpravy, vol. 30, no. 2
Katarína Babčáková
Rok, strany: 2023, 43 - 61
Jazyk: slo
Kľúčové slová:
folklór, folklorizmus, folklórne hnutie, nehmotné kultúrne dedičstvo
folklore, folklorism, folklore movement, intangible cultural heritage
Typ článku: štúdia / study
Typ dokumentu: štúdia / study
O článku:
In the last twenty years many significant changes have taken place in the field of folklore movement reflecting the implementation of professional knowledge into pedagogical and artistic practice in the context of caring for traditional folk culture and its folklorized manifestations. The paper addresses the current interpreters of folk culture and the related institutions, their functions as well as events. The author also considers the legislation and implementation of state cultural policy in relation to traditional culture. She focuses on the research, documentation, educational, competition, and presentation activities of the National Cultural Centre and selected cultural institutions in the last twenty years. The main aim is to identify the current informational and educational function of the folklore movement and the need to present traditional folk culture in its folklorized expressions based on professional knowledge.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Babčáková, K. 2023. Folklórne hnutie, folklorizmus a nehmotné kultúrne dedičstvo na Slovensku v inštitucionálnom kontexte. In Etnologické rozpravy, vol. 30, no.2, pp. 43-61. 2729-9759. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/EtnoRozpra.2023.30.2.02

Babčáková, K. (2023). Folklórne hnutie, folklorizmus a nehmotné kultúrne dedičstvo na Slovensku v inštitucionálnom kontexte. Etnologické rozpravy, 30(2), 43-61. 2729-9759. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/EtnoRozpra.2023.30.2.02
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Národopisná spoločnosť Slovenska / Ethnographic Society of Slovakia
Publikované: 28. 12. 2023
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