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Hudobný folklór v primárnom a nižšom strednom vzdelávaní na Slovensku

In: Etnologické rozpravy, vol. 30, no. 2
Jana Ambrózová Číslo ORCID
Rok, strany: 2023, 8 - 42
Jazyk: slo
Kľúčové slová:
hudobný folklór, tradičná ľudová hudba, hudobná výchova, Štátny vzdelávací program, základná škola, regionálna výchova a tradičná ľudová kultúra
musical folklore, traditional music, Music education, State educational programme, primary education, regional education
Typ článku: štúdia / study
Typ dokumentu: štúdia / study
O článku:
Primary education in Slovakia represents one of the critical environments for educating children about traditional folk culture and intangible cultural heritage. Traditional music –represented especially by traditional folk songs – has occupied an essential position in this context for many decades. Moreover, there is a significant spectrum of other possible topics related to musical folklore and suitable for creative music education, such as traditional multipart singing and vocal techniques, traditional music bands and their repertoire, ethnic aspects of musical culture in Slovakia, or traditional children's musical instruments. Through our research, we tried to answer the following question: What are the current conditions for developing competencies and knowledge in musical folklore or traditional music provided by primary schools in Slovakia today? Building upon research conducted in three main areas of primary education in Slovakia, this contribution presents the results of a comprehensive study focused on the official education documents of the former State Pedagogy Institute of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic (today NIVAM) and didactic tools used, created or circulated by music teachers themselves via the Internet. This contribution also presents the main problematic issues regarding education in traditional music and its cultural representations in today's school environment. Ultimately, it suggests essential tasks for the experts in traditional music, which could significantly improve the quality of the education process regarding traditional music and intangible cultural heritage (living heritage) and the conditions of today's music teacher
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Ambrózová, J. 2023. Hudobný folklór v primárnom a nižšom strednom vzdelávaní na Slovensku. In Etnologické rozpravy, vol. 30, no.2, pp. 8-42. 2729-9759. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/EtnoRozpra.2023.30.2.01

Ambrózová, J. (2023). Hudobný folklór v primárnom a nižšom strednom vzdelávaní na Slovensku. Etnologické rozpravy, 30(2), 8-42. 2729-9759. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/EtnoRozpra.2023.30.2.01
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Národopisná spoločnosť Slovenska / Ethnographic Society of Slovakia
Publikované: 28. 12. 2023
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Creative Commons License
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