In: Geologica Carpathica, vol. 73, no. 5
František Marko - Andrej Mojzeš - Vojtech Gajdoš - Kamil Rozimant - Marián Dyda - Vladimír Bezák - Slavomír Daniel - Iveta Smetanová - Bibiana Brixová - Ivan Zvara - Erik Andrássy
Rok, strany: 2022, 391 - 410
Jazyk: eng
Kľúčové slová:
fault focused research , geophysical survey, soil emanometry, Vikartovce fault, Western Carpathians
O článku:
This research tests multi-method field survey for detecting fault parameters in a known fault structure interpreted on geological maps. The research was focused on detecting the Vikartovce fault and its inclination which is crucial for its genetic and kinematic interpretation. The chosen Vikartovce fault is a genetically related dislocation to the Sub-Tatras fault which is a major boundary fault in the Vysoké Tatry Mts. asymmetric horst. The Vikartovce fault can serve as a proxy for the evolution and physical and structural parameters of the Sub-Tatras fault which is difficult to study in the field because of thick Quaternary glaci-fluvial deposition cover. We applied a multi-method approach based on geophysical field surveys to detect the Vikartovce fault´s parameters. We combined ten field geophysical survey methods with soil and indoor radon emanometry and mercurometry along five profiles crosscutting the fault trace. These methods confirmed the presence of a fault between the Kozie chrbty ridge and the Paleogene sediments of the Hornád depression, described as the Vikartovce fault, and provided precise data on its geometry. This fault interface is represented by two major tightly spaced parallel north dipping reverse faults, tilted to almost a vertical position with an approximately 8 to 30 m wide fault damage zone and at least 1.5 km confirmed depth range.
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ISO 690:
Marko, F., Mojzeš, A., Gajdoš, V., Rozimant, K., Dyda, M., Bezák, V., Daniel, S., Smetanová, I., Brixová, B., Zvara, I., Andrássy, E. 2022. Multi-method field detection of map-scale faults and their parameters: Case study from the Vikartovce fault (Western Carpathians). In Geologica Carpathica, vol. 73, no.5, pp. 391-410. 1335-0552. DOI:
Marko, F., Mojzeš, A., Gajdoš, V., Rozimant, K., Dyda, M., Bezák, V., Daniel, S., Smetanová, I., Brixová, B., Zvara, I., Andrássy, E. (2022). Multi-method field detection of map-scale faults and their parameters: Case study from the Vikartovce fault (Western Carpathians). Geologica Carpathica, 73(5), 391-410. 1335-0552. DOI:
O vydaní:
Publikované: 17. 10. 2022