In: World Literature Studies, vol. 15, no. 3
Tao Huang
Rok, strany: 2023, 62 - 72
Jazyk: eng
Kľúčové slová:
Capital. Translation. State. Liu Cixin. Transnational publishing field.
Typ dokumentu: PDF
O článku:
This article investigates the transnational publishing field of Liu Cixin’s science fiction and his road to consecration in the U.S. literary market. By adopting Pascale Casanova’s mapping of the international literary field and Pierre Bourdieu’s categorization of capital, this study analy- zes how the state, in its incarnated form of a state-owned publisher, has mobilized the economic,
cultural, and social capital of the agents in the field, which eventually helps the author cross over the linguistic-literary gap. In the process, the state shows its potential as a propellant for “worlding” a popular literary genre.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Huang, T. 2023. The state’s role in “worlding” a popular national genre: The case of China and Liu Cixin. In World Literature Studies, vol. 15, no.3, pp. 62-72. 1337-9275. DOI:
Huang, T. (2023). The state’s role in “worlding” a popular national genre: The case of China and Liu Cixin. World Literature Studies, 15(3), 62-72. 1337-9275. DOI:
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, v. v. i.
Publikované: 30. 9. 2023