In: World Literature Studies, vol. 15, no. 3
Rok, strany: 2023, 13 - 24
Jazyk: eng
Kľúčové slová:
World literature. Global Shakespeare. National identity. Cultural diffusionism. Transtextuality.
Typ dokumentu: PDF
O článku:
William Shakespeare is said to be uniquely omnipresent in the world’s literature, yet world literature concepts only devote marginal attention to him, so a conceptual change of direction is necessary for an understanding of his peculiar position. Whereas reception history has long highlighted the nation as the main critical framework, transcultural inquiries are now
(re)discovering submerged imprints from regions such as Southwest Asia and West Africa on the initial formation of Shakespeare’s texts. These enable a reorientation in theorizing world literature, to grasp the nature of his achievements and to apply this new direction to other authors.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Steppat, M. 2023. Nation vs. world? Global imprints on Shakespeare and the orientation of world literature. In World Literature Studies, vol. 15, no.3, pp. 13-24. 1337-9275. DOI:
Steppat, M. (2023). Nation vs. world? Global imprints on Shakespeare and the orientation of world literature. World Literature Studies, 15(3), 13-24. 1337-9275. DOI:
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, v. v. i.
Publikované: 30. 9. 2023