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Theater und Wissen. Pflanzenphilosophie auf der Bühne

In: World Literature Studies, vol. 14, no. 4
Carola Heinrich
Rok, strany: 2022, 104 - 118
Jazyk: ger
Kľúčové slová:
Theater. Philosophy of plants. Interdiscourse. Translation. Manuela Infante.
Typ dokumentu: pdf
O článku:
Theater is characterized by a plurimedial realization of the text via language, gestures, light, music, etc. and by its collective production and reception. The construction of reality and the generation of meaning are based on the co-presence of actors and spectators. In her play Estado vegetal, Manuela Infante engages with the thinking of the plant philosophers Michael Marder and Stefano Mancuso and uses theatrical means to explore plant intelligence and communication. The paper explores the questions of how theater communicates and transforms the plant-philosophical knowledge.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Heinrich, C. 2022. Theater und Wissen. Pflanzenphilosophie auf der Bühne. In World Literature Studies, vol. 14, no.4, pp. 104-118. 1337-9275. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/WLS.2022.14.4.8

Heinrich, C. (2022). Theater und Wissen. Pflanzenphilosophie auf der Bühne. World Literature Studies, 14(4), 104-118. 1337-9275. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/WLS.2022.14.4.8
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Ústav svetovej literatúry Slovenskej akadémie vied, v. v. i.
Publikované: 17. 12. 2022