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Slavia Catholica. Kongres katolíckych slovanských akademikov v Bratislave v roku 1931

In: Slavica Slovaca, vol. 57, no. 3
Róbert Letz
Rok, strany: 2022, 290 - 300
Jazyk: slo
Kľúčové slová:
Interwar Period, Slavic Student Associations, Pax Romana, Slavia Catholica, Church Union
Typ článku: Štúdia
O článku:
The study deals with the activities of Slavia Catholica, a platform that operated within the international Catholic student organization Pax Romana between 1929 and 1938. It focuses on the preparation and conduct of the Slavia Catholica congress in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, in 1931. This international event of Slavic Catholic students dealt with the question of the Cyril and Methodius idea, its importance of dissemination in society. At the same time, the Slovak organizers from the Central Office of Slovak Catholic Students used it to promote Slovak Catholicism. It was the best organised congress among the seven Slavia Catholica congresses. The development of cooperation on the basis of Slavia Catholica was disabled by the political situation in Europe in 1938.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Letz, R. 2022. Slavia Catholica. Kongres katolíckych slovanských akademikov v Bratislave v roku 1931. In Slavica Slovaca, vol. 57, no.3, pp. 290-300. 0037-6787 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/SlavSlov.2022.3.10

Letz, R. (2022). Slavia Catholica. Kongres katolíckych slovanských akademikov v Bratislave v roku 1931. Slavica Slovaca, 57(3), 290-300. 0037-6787 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/SlavSlov.2022.3.10
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Slovenský komitét slavistov, Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV
Publikované: 10. 11. 2022
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